Success/Success Mindset

Stop Waiting for Fucking Inspiration!

Stop Waiting for Fucking Inspiration!

You do know how ridiculous you’re being, right?

This idea that you have to wait until you feel ready … prepared … excited … INSPIRED!

Is completely.



I mean only if you actually want to see anything change of course!

If you’re happy to wait –

Stay where you are now –

Stay stuck –

Frustrated –

Unfulfilled –

Bored –

And most likely BROKE!

Then by all MEANS.

SPEND the next 10 years waiting around, just like you’ve done the last (which may be a LITTLE harsh, but truthfully now, how many BIG dreams did you have 10 years ago that are STILL JUST DREAMS??) and maybe at some point when God has DIVINED it you’ll receive a scroll handed down by a cherub to tell you that NOW is your time and you can get STARTED!

Of course the only freaking problem with that is that even if it DID happen (and you do know cherubs are terrifying towering creatures in real life right, not chubby babies?!) you would STILL probably bitch and moan that you’re not ready yet, not sure yet, need to figure some stuff out still, need to be INSPIRED first!

But I mean, I hear ya sister –

I’ve got stuff I still want to accomplish, stuff I’m dreaming about, stuff I’m just not QUITE ready yet to do (even though I’m sometimes pretty good at lying to myself and TELLING myself I’m taking action on it!).

And I don’t know why – it’s freaking weird is what it is! – but for some reason every year I don’t take action on these big dreams they don’t come to life!

MAJOR foot stamp!

I want to run MEGA big events and speak on a HUGE stage, but it just hasn’t happened yet!

I want to have my own magazine, but I just haven’t quite pulled it together yet!

I want a “full on” book business, making 10, 20, 30k a month just from my books, but y’know, I just can’t seem to find the time to promote them properly, to write more, to really get the word out there and BESIDES I don’t really know how!

Maybe it will just HAPPEN if I keep waiting long enough! You never know, right!

I want to have over 100k in savings but I just can’t seem to grow it … I keep building it up and then taking it back out again. Ridiculous, considering my income (mind you the constant awesome travel does not suck!). I guess one day I’ll just MAGICALLY watch my savings grow!

I want to be one of the world’s leading transformational, motivational EMPOWERING authors, speakers and leaders, but THAT is a huge goal right there and I really just don’t know how to do it!

I want some of my silly fun ideas to come to life, for my writing, for things I want to do in my business, just to bring the BEAT back again, but I just don’t have time right now. I’m a busy lady, I got shit to DO!

I want to have a better relationship with my husband, but right now it’s damn near impossible to even get within arms distance of each other (2 kids in the bed!) and I don’t have time to really spend with him in the evenings because I (let’s be honest, prefer rather than watching TV or even movies) am working. Maybe all our problems will just dissolve and we’ll just FLOW together!

I guess one day I’ll figure all this stuff out, right?!


This is true stuff I’m sharing with you right now.

This is MY accountability for today, my REMINDER that anything I SAY I want that I’m not actively taking action on?


But here’s what else I know.

And this is a real kicker!

You want inspiration?

I got inspiration.


For every year I spent waiting to be inspired to become an author I DID NOT IN FACT BECOME AN AUTHOR.

Wait, hold the phone, I hear you saying! For REAL Kat?! Well that’s just fucking unfair is what that is! You’re a good writer (why thank you!) … you SHOULD be a writer!

I know, right?


The world didn’t know what it was missing out on!

But here’s another fact for ya, since we’re talking data.

This one’ll knock your pretty little socks off!

The year that I DID writer a book, and also take the leap and PUBLISH the damn thing, I BECAME AN AUTHOR.

Who’d have thought?!

I mean just THINK of the odds!

So lucky!

Hmmmm …

You want more facts, more inspiration?

I can keep going.

Over the past year or so while traveling the world long-term due to the awesomeness of my business I’ve struggled to stay in the shape I like to be in.

Told myself –

Don’t have time for ‘proper workouts’.

Tired due to travel.

Too hard to eat properly.

I’ve still gone through the MOTIONS of eating well and working out, and the results of THAT have been – shockingly – what one might expect. Namely, I’ve fattened up like a turkey at Thanksgiving; gaining probably 10 pounds just in the past 2 months.

No fair! Why doesn’t God understand I don’t have more time, I’m too tired, it’s not PRACTICAL and just KEEP ME LEAN ALREADY!

3 weeks ago I decided, that’s it. This is NOT going to continue.

I started doing half an hour of basically flat out chasing the kids and jumping around with them each day. COMMITTED to MAKING it work to get to the gym. Committed to eating greens at least 3x a day.

6-7 pounds, gone already. Abs on their way baby!

Was I inspired? No! Was I ready to see some CHANGE? Yes! Am I inspired now? You bet your ass baby!

And that’s the thing, isn’t it –

If you want INSPIRATION then you take ACTION. Inspiration flows from action! I’ve been listening to some audio trainings by Ali Brown, and I nearly spit out my protein shake laughing the other day when she said the following –

“I don’t think I’ve ever had a single client tell me that they just had so much money in the bank, and felt so ready, and had so much free time that they thought well I better start my business now!”

So true, right?

So why do we all think WE are the freaking exceptions where it’s okay to wait to pursue our big dreams until the stars line up, the virgins sing, and a dancing goat wearing a bow-tie tells us it’s time?

It’s time to wake up sisters.

We got WORK to do.

And I can tell you that EVERYTHING I’ve achieved in my life happened because I went forth in faith not because I freaking WAITING to be ready, to be organised, to feel inspired, to have the time or the inclination or the God damn inspiration.

You want some ULTIMATE inspiration.



And that day, that MOMENT, could happen any time.

So for the love of God STOP trying to PLAY God with your life. You want the stuff you say you want then you get to work TODAY.

It’s your only time gorgeous.

Had I have waited for inspiration, or for anything else, not only would I not be a multiple times best-selling author right now but I also would not have even started a business! I would not have then made my first $$ in that online business (sure wasn’t ready to launch that first e-book!) nor would I have made a dime since.

EVERYTHING I’ve launched in my business I have in some way pushed myself to do, particularly in that first part of getting the ball rolling.

I’d also not have children (wasn’t ready for that, DECIDED to do it anyway based on where I was in my life and what I wanted!).

Would not be living location free and seeing the best the world has to offer (wanted to do it but couldn’t AFFORD it, couldn’t even afford groceries at the time we committed to leaving. Decided to do it anyway, somehow. Did it, somehow. Exploded, somehow, since then … funny what happens when you commit to your dreams!).

Would not have come 10th nationally in a yoga competition, one of my proudest achievements ever because it was SO outside my comfort zone. Did it, because I did it.

Would never have quit bulimia, have spoken publically about it, shared my story to help others. Sure as HECK was not ready for any of that. Decided to do it anyway.

Wouldn’t have a column on the Huff Post, or various other places I write for. I’m never ready to submit guest posts! Hate it before I do! So happy after I do!

Wouldn’t be getting to go back to Melbourne in a few weeks to visit my family, just me and the kids, because I miss my siblings, parents, and all my nephews and nieces so much. (I don’t think I’ll EVER feel inspired about the idea of 2 x 23 hour flights with just me and a 1 and 5 year old! … but I wanted the OUTCOME).

And there you have it, in a nutshell.

The only question you ever need to ask yourself –

Do you want the outcome?

And if you do then honey? Enough fucking around already. Either make it happen, now, or swipe it right off that dream board of yours. Seriously … take your vision board crap, because unless you’re actually WORKING on each and every one of those visions (and working does not mean THINKING about it, it means putting money, time, effort into it) then IT’S NOT YOUR VISION.

You want to know what your true vision is, what you’re MAKING matter?

The stuff you did yesterday.

The day before.

The day before that.

And so on.

And the stuff that you will also do today, unless you decide to change NOW and you also then DO SO NOW – no NOT tonight, you can fuck OFF with I’ll be ready tonight / tomorrow / this week because that is what people who FAIL ad INFINITUM say.

I know –

That if as of today –

I start spending 2 hours a day on my writing and books. Find the time! There is always time to be found if you truly prioritise it!

And I start actually spending time with my husband and showing love.

And I dedicate let’s say 30 minutes a day to finding SOMETHING to do to grow my reach and brand so I can be known on a BIG scale.

And I actually get back to my magazine designer, lock in a launch date, publicise it.

And I start putting even a LITTLE money each week in a savings account I actually can’t touch.

And I book in that event I want to make happen, and just starting working on it.

Then all my dreams, a year from now, will be as true as they ever can be, and probably better.

That’s fact baby.

And inspiration? Well it’ll come, for sure, motivation will come also (and then go, as it does, at times!) but none of this will happen if I continue to WAIT, to PREPARE, to be READY.

So, a quick reality check for you.

As if this weren’t enough πŸ™‚

Success happens on the battlefield.

Be okay with that.

You want to avoid getting hurt, wounded, torn, avoid having things not work, avoid falling down, avoid looking or feeling like an idiot?

Then stay on the sidelines where you’ve been for so long, where most prefer to remain.

But you want the OUTCOME?

Then enter the fray baby!

Do the WORK!

Get prepared to FIGHT!

And wait for the glory as well, because I promise you. I PROMISE you.

That if you would just step forth in faith?

There’s a helluva destiny waiting for you.

But if you want it?

Then YOU have to go claim it.
