

I want you to connect back to who you really are.

I want you to connect in to that place and space where you feel certain.

I want you to remember the feeling, the knowing, the oneness, of just being so damn SURE – 

Of what you came to do.
Of what is available to you (so much!).
And of how much of what you dream of, you can bring to life (all of it!).

I want you to remember back to when not only did you not at ALL question, but in actual fact you didn’t even know that it was or could be a THING to question.

With child-like wonder and an assuredness that most would call delusion, you dreamt of the life in store for you and you thought yes –

That’s what I’m going to be having!

THAT is what I’m going to do and who I will be and how it will go, of COURSE.

Decision made, knowingness tapped in to, you then nodded your head briskly at a choice well made and you WENT BACK TO THE BUSINESS OF BEING YOU, however that looked in that moment.

You didn’t worry yourself for even a SECOND around how it would happen … why would you do that, when what you’d just tapped in to was a knowing! You either know something, or you don’t, and if you KNOW that something is meant to happen, how it has to be, destiny, then why in God’s good name would you need to fuss over the how of it.

The understanding, even though you likely didn’t think about it like this at the time, was clear:

It would come to by virtue of you being you, and that’s all you had to do.

(Hint: this has always been the answer, and always will be. Truth is unchanging, across the ages and realms)

Fast forward to now.

You still believe … deep within your core you still know … you’ve NEVER actually lost faith, even though of course it’s been severely tested at times, but the truth is that that knowing?

That certainty?

That unquestioning assuredness?

It’s a little hard to access, a lot of the time.

There’ve been too many promises broken.

Too many deviance made from soul.

And as for the business of being you, and knowing that that’s all you gotta do, and that in return life will deliver ALL that your you-ness naturally brings about?


I guess you just forgot.

About the whole being you thing.

Or, more likely –

You bought in to the bullshit, the lies, the relentless conditioning from all around you and from the world itself, telling you –


You can’t have that.


You can’t be that.


You can’t do that.


It doesn’t work that way!

Well, how about this? How about THIS for something my soul wants to say to yours right now:


It works exactly the way you’ve seen it inside of you the entire.damn.time.

The ONLY voice you need to listen to is the one within.

And EVERYTHING you dreamed of, visioned, were shown, and saw, or even glimpsed just the essence of, since you were a little girl, a little boy, the small you whose hope had not yet been shattered, ALL of it –

Is real.
REQUIRED, in fact.
For you.

All of it.

The dream body.
The dream business.
The dream relationship.
The dream life.


You’ve spent all these years basically trying to talk yourself out of being you, well guess what? It’s not going to take.

Do you hear me?

The whole ‘I’m not gonna actually be fully me, I’ll just accept some lesser version of that, it’ll be fine, that’s just how the cookie crumbles’ thing you’ve got going on?

1) You look like a damn MARTYR and not in a good or attractive way (so off-putting, seriously)


Sooner or later, you will give in to being you and do you know what girl? That includes demanding all of the VIFP side of what life has always had in store for you.

BEING your best.
LIVING your best.
EXPECTING only the best.


Sacrifice against alignment.

Zero. SETTLING for a lesser version of what your soul showed you is yours.

You do realise yeah, that when you settle for a lesser version of what soul shows you that you screw the ENTIRE thing up?! Your foolish fear-mind thinks ‘oh, this will be easier to shoot for, that’s probably all I should really expect or ask for anyway’, but ACTUALLY you are making it harder.

So much harder.

Here’s where it gets easy, and flow, and fuck yes:

When you say yes to being all of you, insist on being all of you, and refuse to accept anything less, other, filtered, changed.

So NO –

Your allowance of your standards to slip around how you look –

How you feel –

What your energy, motivation, joie de vivre, libido for damn life is –

The level of FUN you have (and are!) –

The amount spontaneous life-giving adventure –

The quality and UTTER fulfilment of your relationships and connections –

The excitement with which you look to all that you are and all that you have and all that is in store –

The quality of clients, business, money flow you enjoy –



And by doing so, you PUSH AWAY abundance and receiving in ALL areas.

The ONLY damn rule was that whatever you see is real, available, true, and that all you gotta DO for it is get on with the business of being you.

But if the game you’re choosing to play is one in which you dare only be a dull and dim 2D version of that –

Then don’t be surprised if that’s what life serves you up in return.

Word to the wise, and a remembrance you’ve always known:

Life will reflect back to you exactly what you insist and expect on it being.

Change the damn inner picture, and standard –

Change your life.

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