I know that it’s been drummed into you since before time began that it’s somehow more honourable to suffer, struggle, maybe JUST keep your head above water, and that if you really have a heart to serve then part of that is keeping your own existence bare bones basic and giving your EVERY resource to others, but actually?
That’s not how it works.
God himself said He wants us to be rich, prosperous, and have blessings rained upon us.
Yes, the Bible also speaks with dire warning, repeatedly, around not being RULED by money, or letting the love of money get ahead of love of God or purpose; doing the work we are meant to do, but there at no point is money or wealth itself ever denounced as bad.
In fact, Proverbs 10:22 says that ‘the blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it!’
Flow and ease, anyone? Receiving by being, not doing?
I think so!
Just this morning I was passionately railing at a client about how making MORE money is EASIER, not harder.
“Where did this idea come from that it’s harder, requires more work, to make more money? The opposite is true! The higher my income goes the less work I do, and the more from flow. Every 100k/month+ earning client of mine would say the same.
It’s about knowing what WORKS, and being efficient and effective.
And, it’s an energy thing. A vibrational alignment. At the end of the day you will make the money you make because that is what you ALIGN to and expect. It becomes part of who you are, just how it has to be, and so it shows up because of that. Not because of what you do, and certainly not ‘make more by doing more’.
Just like there is no correlation between the person who spends the most time at the gym having the best body, because in actual fact those in the best shape are simply the ones who EXPECT to be, and align their energy accordingly and also find the efficient and FLOW way to achieve that, so it is with money!”
– You feel guilty or bad about the idea of having more than ‘just enough’, that it means you’re selfish or a bad person or not serving the world if you have any luxuries or so-called trappings of wealth, or if you don’t give your EVERY resource (time / money / probably your damn soul and your firstborn too!) to others
– You are stuck in the perpetual contractive mindset that you’re not doing enough and you should be doing more to save the world
– You’re caught up in the exertion = results mentality
– Or, as I said to another client today, who asked me my straight up opinion on why she specifically has not blown up more, faster – you just didn’t fucking decide, and make it actually non-negotiable!
Let me tell you something you KNOW your soul needs to hear today, about all of THIS:
I’ll tell ya –
It is not!
Allow me to reframe a few things for you, and help you cut the chords of some of the BULLSHIT conditioning you’ve allowed life and perhaps certain people in it to imprint into you:
– The GREATEST service you can do to help others, help the world, is BEING WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. Sure, maybe you’re additionally called to work at shelters, help the less fortunate in a very practical sense, give of your money or time. Cool. Do that! But make no mistake – you doing YOU is of service, and is in fact ENOUGH. When you fully show up for your message and purpose work, and impact those who you’re meant to directly impact (i.e. your own children, clients, immediate circle, followers) you empower THEM to go and be who they are meant to be.
And so the butterfly effect occurs.
– If you deplete and exhaust yourself, or simply don’t ALLOW yourself to be abundantly taken care of to whatever level your soul desires (and whatever it DOES desire in alignment is allowed, because hello – abundance is infinite, so there is no fucking ‘line’ at which you have too much, what are you basing it on exactly? Even if you lived in a trailer you would have WAY MORE than 98% of the world, so get the fuck over yourself and go be rich!) … anyway … if you are not allowing yourself to THRIVE you can’t do said purpose work properly, and you KILL THE DAMN BUTTERFLY EFFECT or at least reverse it or something.
Let me say this again clearly:
YOU JUST DOING YOUR SOUL WORK IS YOU BEING OF SERVICE AND HELPING THOSE LESS FORTUNATE. This is how you give, not by ticking off every possible way that a human COULD give! You do you boo. But do it fully and unapologetically!
– Abundance is infinite. A million bucks, or ten million, or a hundred million, it’s just a number! Who decides what is too much? Stop wasting energy on it and just choose that you will allow in a lot because that means you’re impacting a lot and you also TRUST YOURSELF TO BE IN ALIGNMENT AND INTEGRITY AND DOING GOOD WORK THAT MATTERS. AND, the more money you make the more you by definition WILL give back.
– This whole thing about making more money being harder. That is the common man mentality. That is not how WE operate, and it is not what your soul knows to be true. I repeat – the blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.
You could sub in ‘soul’ for Lord. It works the same way. The blessing of the soul brings wealth, without painful toil for it.
It is EASY to make money when you decide it’s easy, just get over the idea it’s any harder than breathing in air, and then you do your soul work in order to allow it in!
How much money?
That’s literally the whole story.
I guess the only question is –
Which fucking story are you wanting to continue on with?
That’s all!
[…] have taught a shadow and pale version of for years, and yet even THAT works profoundly to allow you blessings beyond what your fear-bound ‘live for every moment other than this one right here’ […]
[…] start seeking Him more. […]
[…] choose what is there for her. Not walk in the destiny she should walk in. Wilfully resist the blessings you want to pour on her. DEFY EVERY PART, OF WHO, AND WHAT, SHE WAS MADE, TO […]