In all cases, the so-called facts don’t matter, and while you may still choose to spend the entire year (or your entire life!) weighing up the pros and cons and all the bits and pieces and moving parts of the damn thing, in the end you’ll have to return to the only thing which DOES matter, which is of course –
Yes, yes, yes, there’s an entire lengthy list of reasons why you should do this or that or the other thing, and there’s all these other points over here to consider, but let’s get real –
You only start investigating or caring about all of that stuff when you’ve forgotten to just connect to your core, and be guided from there.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to predict exactly how that will all play out and look.
Yesterday, on an interview with Entrepreneur, I was asked about my transition from ‘good girl’ to badass with tattoos and crazy hair, and an online persona to match.
“How did that come about?”
It was a little confusing to answer, because, well – I don’t know.
It was always a part of me.
Even though I was also always the MOST good of all good girls.
But yet the rebel side crept out from my edges my while life.
While I always followed all the rules!
And yet continually found ways to re-write ’em to suit me.
How did I become a visual and apparently literal badass?
I dunno, it just kind of snuck up on me and from me! I certainly didn’t sit down and make a plan to become successful online, a leader of the more edgy, crazy, black sheep-esque entrepreneurs, and in said plan write down –
“Get tattoos all over left side.
Deviate wildly between crazy pink or red hair and then some kind of multi-coloured mix.
Scream and shout a lot and stand on chairs waving a tripod at people while jumping up and down leadingĀ #PurposeChurch
You know?
Where are you being led right now despite how irrational it seems?
What is your heart leaping for even though it’s SO probably not a good idea?
What can you just not seem to let go of or turn away from even though all good logic says you should?
And when in the actual fuck did ‘good logic’ become weigh up the so-called facts rather than just follow soul?!
The truth is that beneath all the shoulds, and beneath all the ‘facts’, and beneath all the very good reasons to go one way and not another, your soul has absolute fucking certainty and is just waiting for you to stop faffing around up there and admit it.
And she wonders, your higher self –
“Why don’t you just trust yourself fully?
Wouldn’t that be EASIER, and save us so much time?!”
And she suggests to you, in those occasional still and quiet moments when you are fully tapped in –
“What if you just made it a personal policy to ONLY follow soul guidance, to ALWAYS follow soul guidance, and to RAPIDLY follow soul guidance, no hesitation, and NO MATTER WHAT, including no matter the apparent LOGICAL reasons not to?”
And you think to yourself, in those moments –
“Yes … how simple life could be! Yes … it makes sense! Yes … I KNOW that this is what I must do!”
And then?
Well, I don’t know! You tell me! What DOES happen then?
At what point do you DAILY (based on your current actions) decide that actually –
Yeah …
Not gonna follow soul.
Not gonna listen to that still small voice.
Not gonna TRUST.
Don’t feel like it!
Don’t wanna!
Too scared!
At WHAT exact point each day is it that you decide to create your life based on what EVERY OTHER FUCKER WHO IS NOT YOU SAYS?
Because apparently people who are not you know better than you what is right for you …?
Because they did it already, for them?
Because they speak so certainly about it?
Because they helped others?
Because their way is socially ticked off as being acceptable?
Because it looks so shiny and pretty and safe or just right?
What does any of that have to do with ANYTHING?
And try all you like to deny it, you also already know that when the dust settles –
And you finally quit listening to the seductive and oh-so-convincing voices outside of your head –
You’ll be right where you’ve always known you’d be.
Not giving a single flying fuck about all the things they said you should.
Or you knew you could.
Or you promised you would.
And also not caring if EVERY OTHER PERSON and their goldfish says that such and such way is right, YOU are going to do it YOUR way.
So at this point, it’s really just a question of well –
When would you like to do this?
‘Cause I can tell you that in the end you WILL give in to soul.
You WILL turn your back on everything you’ve given so much of your time, energy, money, LIFE for.
And you WILL stop caring what anybody else has to say.
And you will also stop looking for validation or proof before you leap.
Because in the end?
The pain and devastating emptiness you feel at not being fully you will just hurt too much.
It will hurt more than the pain of not fitting in.
It will hurt more than the pain of not being ‘acceptable’ in your behaviours.
And it will also hurt more than the pain or worry of doing it wrong and not getting the RESULT.
Yes, you may desire more money.
To reach more people.
Or whichever other outcomes you want, but you know what?
You DON’T care about any of that more than what you care about following soul.
Because in the end the only thing which will matter is DID I, AGAINST ALL THE ODDS, FOLLOW THE VOICES INSIDE ME,
Rather than the ones coming at me from out of me?
They will tell you you’re crazy.
They will tell you you can’t.
They will tell you you’re being a FOOL, reckless, ridiculous.
And that you’ll never get what you want.
But if the only thing you ever really wanted,
Was to go to bed each night,
Knowing you did what was right for YOU,
Then why don’t you just do that now?
Life is created where we see what’s impossible,
Or makes no sense,
But yet something within us lights up, is expanded, and says YES –
And so we decide to do it anyway.
If you want clarity,
And you want certainty,
And you want results that are ALIGNED and light you up,
Follow the damn feeling.
And the fact that no matter how much you try and fancy it up or hide it?
You already fucking know.
Remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.
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