Somewhere, some way along the path, we forgot that our greatest powers are the ones which lie deep inside of us, the way we respond or just ‘know’, in our core, what is right, and what is the way forward.
In times of yesteryear from not TOO far back I suppose this would have been where you’d end up a medicine woman, a healer, a seer, or simply the town crazy person, who everybody avoids and yet also understands actually knows EVERYTHING.
But if you go a little further back –
Far far into the pages BEFORE perhaps even history –
The way we created ALL of life?
Was, of course, to feel into what to do –
Where to go –
How to know –
And then we did.
Somewhere, you and I started to believe that the rules of living we were raised in were the correct ones. Even while raging against the system and the machine, and KNOWING we hate rules (can’t stand for ’em, and WON’T!), did we ever really question the BASICS?
It’s one thing to say you don’t want to follow the system, or do what you’re told.
It’s another thing entirely to start to think that, well, even the idea OF thinking, might not be quite right.
Sure, there’s a time and a place for it, but come on now –
Isn’t it true that EVERYTHING you’ve ever known for sure and been DAMN right about, has come from a feeling, a nudge, a pull, perhaps WILDLY powerful or possibly the smallest tiniest flutter imaginable, but either way, you KNEW.
You just KNEW –
What to say
Which road to take
What to sell
Who to follow
Who to walk away from
And what the ANSWER is
The truth is, you’ve always known.
You have ALWAYS known what is right for you, and at your core you’ve always known that it is literally impossible for you to screw it up.
It’s just that somewhere along the way, you forgot this; cast it aside.
And you bought into the idea that if you want to MAKE it, if you want to GET there, then there are ways you must learn, operate, do things, and you BETTER get it right.
Well, sure – but whos ‘right’ are you worrying about?
What you know for SURE, if you just tune in and also listen, is that your true success, your ‘blow up’ success, is going to come from following what’s inside of you.
From FEELING your way forward.
And from obeying the commands of your soul.
The NUMBER ONE piece of advice which I give over and over again to my high-end clients, who span numerous industries, services, product or coaching empires and more, who are unarguably badass leaders with SERIOUS empires, has nothing to do with ‘what to do’.
It is always, and only –
“What does your soul desire?”
Or –
“What do you know is aligned / RIGHT?”
Right, does not mean ACCORDING TO, well, anything.
Except for your soul.
So, what does your soul desire?
And are you willing to listen?
Eventually you WILL, you MUST, it’s GOING to happen, because unless you suddenly start to numb and hide from your entire LIFE, there’s no denying that you’re on a pathway to BECOMING FULLY YOU.
At some point along that pathway, you are indeed going to need to BECOME FULLY YOU.
It’s just logical.
SOUL logical, which is the only real logic at all, clearly!
And when you do? When you give yourself permission to be all that you are and to ONLY follow soul desires?
Well –
I gotta tell you.
Shit’s gonna get level as FUCK.
All of a sudden, you’ll realise just how damn EASY it is, to be so damn SUCCESSFUL.
You’ll NEVER again have to worry about what is the right decision to make …
The right path to take …
What you should say, or do, or sell …
How to magnetically attract your soulmate clients to you …
How to stay in shit hot shape, always, and no matter what you do or don’t do …
How to make serious MONEY, always, and no matter what you do or do not to …
Who to date, or interact with, at all, ever …
What ELSE to do, or not do, in your business …
What to run TOWARDS –
And what to walk away from –
Or ANYTHING else at all.
The ways which you previously tried to figure things out, or make the right move, simply won’t matter.
You’ll realise that it has nothing to do with ANYTHING whether something makes sense, or is crazy, or is reckless, or other people think it’s foolish or they think it’s limiting or a sabotage, or what EVER.
You will just know –
What my soul tells me
Is always right
And when I say yes to my soul
Life says yes to me
And just by the way –
You will save SO.MUCH.TIME!
And effort!
And energy!
And heartache!
And money!
Because you will ALWAYS KNOW WHAT TO DO, and you’ll know it just IS right, regardless of whether or not it appears to be on the surface of it, or even in the short-term results part of it!
You’ll know that it is all, ALWAYS, working together for the greater good of yourself and of others.
Because you CHOOSE for it to be, and you choose to trust, and you choose to listen, and to live from FAITH.
Can you imagine?
The beautiful power and PEACE, of doing life this way?
It’s better than it could possibly sound, no matter how much I might write about it!
So here is what I want you to do –
Remind yourself:
I was born for this.
Success gets to be easy for me.
It’s always BEEN that way.
All I have to do is LISTEN, and then act, from within, no matter what.
I know it will be scary.
I know I won’t know how.
And yet I know that I can.
I must.
And I will.
I ALWAYS know the right path to take.
I ALWAYS know the right action for me.
I ALWAYS make the right decision.
I can NOT screw up being me.
My soul always KNOWS.
And EVERYTHING always works out perfectly for me.
I wonder –
If you believed these things –
And then lived FULLY into them –
Just how damn fast you could bring that destiny you’re always banging on about to life?