The more out of control you feel, the more important it is to stop and listen.
The more you can’t BREATHE, the more you must.
The more you know you’re running at a million miles an hour yet getting nowhere except MORE overwhelmed, the more you need to come to a SCREECHING halt, go DEEP within, and figure.out.your.shit.
My favourite quote of all time sums this up perfectly …
(Nelson Mandela)
“I’m so busy today I don’t have time NOT to spend an hour on my knees”
Stephen Covey nailed it as well of course:
Sharpen the fucking axe before you cut down the tree.
Okay so I don’t think he said it quite like that.
But you get my drift.
Is it SERVING you right now, to believe you need to respond to EVERYONE, do everything, run around like a chicken with its head cut off yet accomplish NOTHING?
Because if it’s not working out for you so far …
I can tell you it won’t later today.
Or tomorrow.
Or the next.
If you’re in an OVERWHELM situation and you feel out of control and you’re SCARED AND STRESSED then here is what you need to do:
1. Money practice. Do it. Now. Full net worth calculation. Income tracked for the entire month so far, to the dollar. EXACT upcoming expenses and desired spendings calculated, as best you can for the rest of the month and to the CENT for the next 7 days.
2. Write your reality. Do it. Now. Full overview of EVERYTHING you now want to create into your life. The above money stuff is already covered, now add in:
The body stuff
The relationship stuff
The lifestyle stuff
The energy stuff
The fun stuff
The BUCKET list stuff
The random stuff
The spirituality stuff
The sensuality stuff
The just because stuff
The other stuff
Write it all out like this:
I AM –
Done fucking deal.
3. Clear your inbox and your desktop, and ideally your physical surrounds as well. How do you expect to be a QUEEN or a KING, and a wealthy one in particular, when you’re existing in a pigsty?
4. Prioritise Your Fucking Priorities
No you DON’T have to do everything.
Yes you DO have to do what matters.
No you CAN’T do both.
Grow up. Stop trying to be ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE
Identify the top 3 things that are non.fucking.negotiable to get you to where you need to go in your biz.
Put them at the top of your page for tomorrow.
Write down all your ‘must attend’ appoints.
Assign the specific TIME you will do your top 3 (((early on in the day!)))
Do your fucking JOURNALING first.
WHEN you have done your top 3, and no sooner, you are allowed to choose 3 more.
There you go: productfuckingtivity in a nutshell, and a multi 7-figure one at that.
People think I’m organised but that is the EXACT opposite of the truth. My business and my life are CHAOTIC. But I know what fucking matters, I know how to clear space for it, and then I do it come hell or high water.
Do the same and you just mind find you wake up, like I do every day now, with everything you ever wanted and never before let yourself have because you were too busy trying to do EVERYTHING BUT.
Do all of the above in this order.
The busier and more out of control you are right now the more critical it is to DO this.
Stop fucking kidding yourself. You’re not going to KNOW WHERE YOU NEED TO FOCUS and therefore be able to create your desired outcomes if you have no fucking focus.