One day you’re going to wake up and realise that it wasn’t at ALL a one day fantasy you never had a chance to create but that it was your life, it was there for the taking, you let it pass you by, you left it too late, you gave the fuck UP, or you never even really tried at all and now it’s too LATE.
Do you want to know what successful people say is their biggest regret?
It’s that they didn’t dream bigger.
They didn’t ask for more.
This is what SERIOUSLY successful people say, by the way, not your everyday millionaire person.
Do you think there’s a chance – a chance! – that you might look back and say the same thing; have the same regret?
Do you think it’s possible – fucking likely, actually! – that if you were to be honest with yourself right now you’d already be SAYING that?
It’s not even about being too scared to take action really, is it? God knows you take plenty of action! You’re a badass motherfucker who takes action all day LONG and everybody knows it so THERE! You are a superwoman, the best, you don’t stop, you push yourself CONSTANTLY and not a person out there could judge you as LAZY or uncommitted.
Only problem is –
They don’t know the truth, do they?
The truth YOU know and spend your every day trying to run and hide from and be too busy to LOOK at which is that GOD you want so much more. Your soul is screaming for it, you are desperate for it, it’s clawing its way out of you and you are, quite literally, DYING for it which is to say of course –
You’re dying without it.
And instead you’re living for everything that is FILLING YOUR TIME, commanding your attention, masking your truth and keeping you so damn little miss superwoman BUSY that you almost – ALMOST – convince yourself at times that it’s all gonna be okay and you STILL HAVE TIME.
Well guess what honey? I’m the voice inside your head that is gonna tap you on the shoulder right fucking now and say it’s NOT gonna be okay you do NOT still have time you’re being freaking LAZY, undisciplined, and you’re not living on PURPOSE.
Wake UP and realise that if not now WHEN means if not now NEVER.
Who you are today is FORMING who you’ll be and what you’ll have tomorrow.
If you want what your soul is SCREAMING for in your tomorrow’s you have to reverse engineer that shit and become TODAY who you need to be in order to create that.
You have to click your fingers NOW and transform into the YOU 2.0 who has been patiently waiting, so patiently that one day when it IS too late you’ll realise with a shock that she was there all ALONG.
It was ALL there all along.
At any moment in time you could have stepped into the life and instead of being THIS person just been THAT person who you thought the becoming of was so unattainable, so tough, so out of reach, so SCARY.
Everything you have right now, everything you’ve accomplished, you do realise that people out there feel like that stuff is out of reach for THEM, right? They look to you and marvel while you roll your eyes and think they just need to get over their BS and commit.
Just as those who you look to and marvel at would sigh and think that you don’t GET it, it’s not about hard it’s just about making up your fucking mind and COMMITTING.
Except they don’t look at you at all, because they don’t see you, you’re not visible, you’re not standing out, or up, or for ANYTHING at all except for being BUSY.
Good way to create a life, a future, a destiny, isn’t it?
She was very busy –
She got a lot done –
She never stopped –
She was driven.
And so on.
Of course they WILL say you achieved a lot, did a lot, created a lot because you did and you DO. But is it the stuff that YOU really want, most of all, deep within?
Is it the so damn big and scary it takes your breath away stuff you kid yourself you’re just not ready for?
And is it the everyday stuff of being present and living like life is NOW which you LIE to yourself you’re going to make time for?
What are you WAITING for, really?
What would you be doing RIGHT NOW if you were actually going all in?
If you stripped it all away –
And admitted to yourself what you TRULY desire –
And very deliberately, very determinedly, very COMMITTEDLY wrote down the vision for the REAL life you want to be living and who within that life YOU’RE going to be?
What would that look like, right now, today?
One day you’re going to wake up and realise it was never just a fantasy, it was always just a choice.
And that you just never fucking made up your mind.
If you’re very LUCKY of course you’ll never wake up and realise what you said NO to, you’ll just die in the middle of being fucking busy one day. But successful people know. We KNOW. I know. You know. You KNOW what is possible for you and you already KNOW what you’re saying no to right now, today, by virtue of what you’re saying yes to instead.
Stop fucking waiting.
Stop acting from fear.
Go all IN.
Do it NOW.
Do it now.
Do it now.
Say yes to YOU today, commit fully to what you want, every BIG thing and every little thing about how your life is SUPPOSED to be.
And then?