Success/Success Mindset


I didn’t come here to pat you on the head, listen to your excuses, and tell you it’s all going to be okay.

IT’S NOT GOING TO BE OKAY. Not unless you seriously get your shit together, NOW.

If you think you can hell yeah to my daily asskickery, my rants, my message, swear to God you’re one of us and you’re gonna do what it takes, no matter what it takes, till it takes, but then run and cry when things get personal then you’ve seriously misunderstood my role here:

My JOB is to say what needs to be said, to help you get to where you INSIST you want to go.

Of course what you do with that information – with the truth! – is up to you, but I can tell you one thing:

I didn’t come here to coddle and baby you, to pat you on the head and say ‘there there, it’ll be okay’, if you’re not willing to go all in and do the WORK.

If you come to me and say you want to achieve x! And you’re so excited! And you’re going to make it happen! And it’s your time! And then I tell you what achieving x takes and you backpedal furiously, citing business, or overwhelm, or needing to be REALISTIC right now, or what the fuck EVER, then I’m going to give it to you straight and I’m a’gonna tell you:

You’re fucking kidding yourself baby.

You need to get your head out of the sand, wake the fuck up, and get serious about what success MEANS, because nowhere in the Big Book of What Successful Folks Do did I EVER see the words ‘I did what was realistic’, nor anything akin to it.

If you think that SUCCESS means making choices for yourself based on what seems logical, or the right thing to do, then you have a long and treacherous DISAPPOINTING road in front of you and because I honestly do hope you don’t continue down that path I’m going to TELL you what I think about your delusions.

But there will come a certain point – when you stomp your feet and cross your arms and glare at me like a toddler just one more time – when I’ll write you off.

Thank you for filtering yourself out.

Thank you for making it clear you’re NOT going to go all in.

Thank you for ANNOUNCING you’re not one of us, ’cause honey I didn’t come here to try and change anybody’s mind.

I’m here to speak to those who want to hear, who need to hear, who are DYING to be told the truth and THEN ALSO ACT ON IT.

But if your version of hearing the truth is to HELL YES on a public message then kick and scream when it’s about YOU then maybe you need to reconsider what it is you’re actually striving for here.

You can look at me as a heartless bitch, a MEANIE all you like, or think that I’m just in it for the money or whatthefuckever story you need to tell yourself to feel better about the fact that you’re not stepping up, but in the end that still doesn’t negate the fact that not doing the work?

Means you won’t get the result.

And here is the thing about being the 1% within the 1%, about stepping up and WINNING. About ACHIEVING what it is you SAY you want:

You’re all the way in.

Or you’re so far fucking out you don’t even know what in LOOKS like, let alone feels like.

99.9% in?

Is 100% fucking OUT.


And you’re God damn right it’s not FAIR, but isn’t that the point? Unless by FAIR you mean he or she who DOES THE WORK AND GOES ALL IN gets the result, in which case it’s extremely fucking fair!

I can’t tell you how FRUSTRATED I feel, and just plain SAD, when I see someone once again buy into their own delusions.

The thing is – if the person would come to me in the first place, saying they have average dreams for a mediocre life, I would be more than happy for them to spin their tale of woe and be on their merry way!

But when you come to me –

And you tell me you want SO MUCH –

And you swear you were BORN FOR MORE!

And then you say you CAN’T, or SHOULDN’T, or not YET?

I honestly want to cry for you.

I want to SHAKE you by the shirt-collar, hang you upside down by your toes, and SCREAM IN YOUR FACE, because so MUCH do I want you to get what it takes and then GO GET IT, GO TAKE IT, BECAUSE YOU COULD IF YOU JUST WOULD!

But you won’t.

You’re just another one who wasn’t born for this.

Another one caught up in the fantasy.

Another one whose name I’ll have forgotten a year from now, because you won’t BE here for me to remember it.

You think I’m being an ASSHOLE?

The sad and somewhat revealing truth is I’ve been around the block long enough to know I’m just speaking the facts.

There are literally THOUSANDS just like you whose spirits roam the halls of the entrepreneurs-who-once-coulda-woulda-if-only. The ghosts of WANTREPRENEURS past are everywhere, all around me.

9 years I’ve been online.

17 years in active business.

32 years selling.

Odds are, and these are the FACTS:

If you’re not going all in now, you never will be.

And soon you’ll be gone.

But please, I BEG of you, and this is NOT me being sardonic:


I would love you to.