

If you haven’t done it in a while, I encourage you to take a day today to slow down, breathe, look within, and ask yourself what really matters and whether you’re actually on path, towards it.

I know it might be a somewhat unexpected thing for this self-confessed Queen of Hustle to suggest to you. After all, I’m all about the PUSH, the GO, the SPRINTING your way to rich, to your dreams, to having it ALL! I believe that most of the time if you feel overwhelmed, stressed, are suffering from a lack of energy or a lack of being able to get off your ass that what you do NOT need is to slow down and breathe but instead to wake up and live.

Do more, faster, harder, with greater extremes, now!


The reality is that most people need to wake the fuck UP and press play, the reality is that if you DO struggle with energy and motivation it’s because you’re very likely not doing ENOUGH, on purpose.

But all that being said –

Sometimes a purpose-driven-preneur like you and I just has to take a day to CHECK THE FUCK IN.

This is a day when you give yourself permission to not ‘have’ to do anything, not even your normal non-negotiables or routine-based behaviours that you swear by.

The thing is …

Just on a side note …

I personally find that when I take a day like this, which I do every few weeks on a Thursday like today, I tend to end up still DOING my daily non-negotiables, such as do my journaling, write this blog, work my ass out, get my hustle on. I guess the truth is that when I give myself space to do whatever I WANT, what I end up wanting and craving is the stuff I’ve long disciplined myself to do anyway 🙂

Which is kind of the point, isn’t it?

Don’t you think the point is that if you take a day – or a breath – to check in with what you really want, and what flow would look or feel like, what you’d be doing or creating if you could do anything you WANT?!

I ask myself these sorts of questions daily, in my journaling.

And daily, for years now, when I do check in, whether for a minute or whether for an entire day of breaking my own rules and ‘doing nothing’, I find myself coming back to the same things.

All I want to do, is everything I’ve long created a habit of doing 🙂

So why bother, why stop, why press pause, why not just POWER ON ALWAYS, sure that you know what you need or want and just need to keep following the fuck through?!

Well, firstly, it’s rejuvenating for the mind and soul to have a ‘go with the flow’ day. Today for example I slept in, woke with the sun, took my time getting up and out, hung out at the playground with my son before finally making our way to the cafe we are at now, and even here I’ve been mainly sitting around watching him play. I gave myself full permission to NOT journal or blog, but after a little bit of time I found myself simply wanting to.

And so I did, but with zero PRESSURE to perform or produce.

And this is the other reason I encourage these sort of days –

When you give yourself permission to just see what your heart actually wants you may well find that you end up desiring to do the same sort of things you normally do. I would hope so … but if not then that’s an even more important reason to have these days, and use them as a guiding light to fix your shit! But even if what you naturally want to do IS the same as what you normally do, these sort of ‘I don’t have to’ days allow you to check in on the small shifts, the nuances, and perhaps the energy or emotion you do want to feel as you go through your normal day.

I like to think I’m pretty tuned in and on the ball with running my business and creating both it and my life from flow, in alignment, with purpose, but even with the best of intent it’s hard not to at times forget the reasons you started with all of this in the first place, or to notice the little ways in which your soul is calling you to evolve or grow.

When I take a day like to day to just breathe deep and do what I WANT, I do end up doing the same stuff. But the energy of it is different. I remember and connect back to my why. I notice things I may have missed in the normal rush and focus. And I become aware, also, of how much energy and even time I probably waste, on the other days, making sure I get ALL the shit done.

In the end, the only shit that really matters is the stuff you find you can’t NOT do, when all is quiet and still.

For me, I’m grateful that I’ve checked in on this stuff so much over the years that I’ve also turned the stuff I can’t not do into the stuff that has built this business –

This empire –

My life.

All I ever wanted to do really, was to write and speak and create, and motivate, inspire empower you to press play.

When I stop worrying about what I need to do and just do what I WANT, turns out?

It’s exactly that.

Today, go within.
