Create Freely, Speak Boldly, Be SEEN and Unleash Your True Power, Now!
Okay. O-KAY. I feel like we need to have this conversation again. Not just for your sake, let’s be honest – I need it as well. I always need everything I’m sharing with you! The truth is that everything I write, create, release and UNLEASH is first and foremost for me.
I’m a bit of a #selfishbitch that way 🙂
But also, I know this:
If I need it, then so do you.
And as much as I DO create freely, I do speak pretty boldly (!!), I am allowing myself to be seen and I’d say I’m nicely on track with the whole unleash my true message and POWER thing, there’s still –
Always –
So today, a reminder, for both of us:
You are a creator. You are an ARTIST. You are a revolutionary fucking LEADER baby, and you’re here to shake the WORLD with your message. Fame and fortune and FREEDOM? You were born for it. You know it. You’ve ALWAYS known it.
But here is the REALITY:
It’s not going to happen by fucking accident.
God, the Universe, your best buddies, heck even your MENTOR; nobody’s just going to give you a pretty little blueprint on a shiny silver plate and tell you ‘here it is; your DESTINY has arrived!’
If you want it then YOU are going to have to go out and get it. You’re going to have to listen to the cliches and recognise the TRUTH in them, and the truth is this:
Whatever you dream of, WHATEVER is spoken into your heart as true and right and, whatever you FANTASISE about is possible. If you believe it you CAN achieve it, and belief is a choice remember! But if you want to have it all, on your terms, and NO holds barred then YOU are the one who needs to make it happen.
You need to do what others won’t so that you CAN one day live as they can’t.
You need to do what it takes, no matter what it takes, as much as it takes and UNTIL it takes, and even then you’ll have to keep. on. going. because the work of a creator, a leader, a REVOLUTIONARY is never done.
You’re never going to be done with evolving, with learning, with pushing, and that’s OKAY by the way; in fact it’s even a good thing because the joy is in the struggle and indeed the FLOW itself is found from learning to ride with the struggle and the push-pull of being somebody who actively chooses to create a business, and a life, by design.
But here is where you need to be careful, as someone committed to speaking the truth and sharing their TRUE MESSAGE to shake the world:
Be careful not to get caught up
(And it’s oh so easy) –
In the push that is the push to keep up
(As opposed the push to unleash what’s within) –
Be careful not to find yourself
(Day after day) –
Listening to what ‘they’ tell you must be done
(To get ahead … to build your list … to make a sale … to do it RIGHT) –
Be careful not to turn AWAY from what your gut is telling you
(And you KNOW to be true) –
In favour of following the rules, or of doing surface shit to mask the reality that there is no FOUNDATION to what you’re putting out there into the world, there is no TRUTH, there is no real message being spoken and so therefore there is actually no BUSINESS and also no fucking chance of actually getting anywhere.
Be careful, in short, to live REACTIVELY to what is going on outside of you rather than to PROACTIVELY create the life you actually were born for, actually wish to live, and deep down KNOW is possible for you if only you’d get the fuck over yourself, LISTEN to yourself, and finally (or perhaps simply again!) give yourself permission to create freely … to live boldly … to shine your freaking light so bright that the true POWER of what you came here to do can’t be ignored.
Be CAREFUL, in short, not to exist in the box when you were born for the stage.
Be CAREFUL, I guess I’m really saying, to not accidentally try and be someone else on the path to being YOU.
There was a time, in this whole online game, when all of the rules, all of the systems, all of the PROCESSES we are now taught, just didn’t really exist.
And as much as I’m grateful to be able to KNOW all this stuff (the marketing and lead gen and branding and selling oh my!) the truth is that business was easier –
More effective –
More FUN –
And it flowed –
Before the rules got in the way.
I built my business to over $30,000 per MONTh in income, ‘way back’ in 2012, before I knew a thing about ALL THE THINGS we now know and which so many (perhaps even you!) mistakingly base their every day actions on; base their entire BUSINESS on, think that it’s all about.
It was never about following a business in a box SYSTEM, don’t you see?
The system, the rules, the knowing of THINGS is great. But only if it’s the cherry on top.
If you want to stand out as a leader, as a true #revolutionaryfuckingleader with a message to share with the world, and you want to make a helluva lot of money AND a helluva’n impact in doing so then it’s going to HAVE TO BE ABOUT YOU.
Your message.
The REAL you showing up each day so you attract in your true TRIBE.
And actual. human. engagement as well, by the way.
The WORST thing you can do, to brand yourself and make money doing what you love, is put the system before your soul. Or tell yourself that if you just dot this ‘i’ and cross this ‘t’ it will all just work because it HAS TO.
It doesn’t.
What will WORK is when you do what you came here to do. When you show up, daily, and share your message (unfiltered and NO holds barred) from the heart. When you stand up for what you stand for, when you value what you value you, when you sell what you actually BELIEVE in, and when you truly really GIVE a fuck about your community.
THAT is what builds a business.
Systems and processes; they can grow it, sure.
But they don’t FORM it.
And so today, yes. I want to simply remind you of what it’s actually about. I want to remind BOTH of us of what truly matters. I want to let you know that of COURSE knowing the THINGS about online marketing and sales will help you but that your message and whatever is in your heart to create comes first, and not only that but if you don’t LET yourself create freely, speak boldly, and shine your light like CRAZY, then the systems will mean fuck all –
Nobody will notice you –
Nobody will care –
So if you’re not where you want to be right now … if you’re not making the sales you want to make … the difference you are struggling to create … if it feels like it’s not WORKING, then it might just be time to turn away, for a day, or perhaps longer, from all of the STUFF.
And instead turn back in.
TUNE back in.
Connect with your heart.
And ask yourself, quite simply:
What would I create right now if I gave myself permission to create freely?
What would I SAY right now if I knew I could speak BOLDLY?
What would I be doing, RIGHT NOW TODAY, if I were committed to unleashing the true POWER of my voice and message into the world and if I were also DOING SO?
The answer is never outside of you gorgeous.
The answer is ALWAYS within. Some days we are more resistant to listening to it … sometimes we WANT to run and hide … sometimes we bullshit ourselves that just because we’re not ‘feeling it’ right now that it means we don’t know what to say and nobody wants to listen anyway!
But in the end, the only thing you really need to know is do you believe, and are you committed?
And if so then ACT COMMITTED. Act committed to releasing the truth each day. Act committed to what you SAY you were born for. Act committed regardless of results, regardless of likes, regardless of how damn crazy what comes out looks or feels and regardless of how much it scares you.
Act as though you’re actually here to do something amazing.
Create FREELY.
Show up PROUDLY, and let your true power EXPLODE into the world, because baby?
You REALLY weren’t born for the box, were you now?