Success/Success Mindset


“The question is not ever ‘what should I be doing today for my business, or money, but rather what is it my SOUL is guiding me to do today? And not even just ‘today’, but right now? In fact the NUMBER ONE AND REALLY ONLY question you should be asking yourself is ‘for what is this moment right here, here for?’

And then follow that, day by day, moment by moment, breath by breath.”

“Ahhhh”, she said –

“Of course … I knew this. How did I forget this?!”

The conversation was last night, and it was with one of my amazing soul-led private clients, but really the conversation was every time and no time and it was for every person and no person.

It was of course, for me.

And it was of course, mostly, for you.

Do you remember?

Do you remember that time, when you let go, for just a minute, when you let go and let it flow and you were one WITH the flow and you just danced –

With ease –

Through the breeze of the day?

You were floating and flowing and flying and the moving parts of what you needed to know and who you had to be – but only in that moment right there! – were shown to you JUST at the final moment, moment BY moment, and always right as you thought you were about to fall into space.

Do you remember?

How easy it was?

For a second, for a breath, for a day, for a lifetime?!

When you just TRUSTED?

It was so easy.

It was so natural.

It was so ‘OF COURSE’.

It was so OBVIOUS, that it had to be this way, and how could you how could you how could you EVER have thought it could be anything other than this?

And then?



BUMP in the night!

You –


You forgot that all you ever had to DO, was follow soul, because WHEN YOU SAY YES TO YOUR SOUL LIFE ALWAYS SAYS YES TO YOU, and so if you’re going to FIXATE, if you’re going to OBSESS, if you’re going to get all up in what you need to DO, in order to generate a particular outcome, then PLEASE –

Fixate on soul.

Obsess on inner guidance.


I wrote in my journal this morning, still pondering the power of the conversation last night, and knowing there was more to come up around this, “what do I know for sure about where money comes from?”

It’s easy even for ME, me who knows and preaches and teaches this, and even had her own quote about saying yes to soul tattooed on her ribs, to forget.

To forget, that when I had my best income week ever (350k in a week, roughly about this exact time last year!), that ALL I was doing, was being soul-led, moment by moment.

In fact, I was DOING … mostly nothing.

In fact EVERY time life has been in absolute just WORKING FOR AND WITH ME mode, I was doing … well, I don’t know.



WHATEVER thing I was guided to do, for any area of my life, knowing that doing so would positively impact EVERY area of my life.

So, what do I know for sure about where money comes from?

Why, it’s simple! I’m glad you asked!

(Said I to I, my higher I, perhaps my highEST I!)

It comes from energy.

It comes from being in creative flow. (Which, by the by, can only occur when we make SPACE for it to upon us, and which, by the way, can only be fully integrated and then repeated, when we RETREAT after making said space, and allowing the unleashing.

Don’t kid yourself that you need to BE THERE FOR THE PEOPLE when you’ve released what’s in you. THAT that you released is being there for the people. YOU, the divine creator, need to know RETREAT, go within, be with YOU, and that is ALL,

There is to say about that.)

So yes,

It comes from being in creative flow, and I’ve also now just given you a hint of where creative flow comes from!

I dare say you won’t make space for it,



But perhaps you’ll prove me wrong,

And actually allow in all that would be available for you, if only you would (and this is another thing) –


It comes from trusting, releasing, releasing the need to know anything in advance.

Money, it comes from being in a high vibe state of owning all that I am.

It comes from being in my confident happy flow state, yes again I will remind you – releasing and trusting and KNOWING I am safe.

From being soul-led, moment by moment –

From floating and flowing and dancing with ease through the day –

Plucking each next creative download or little piece of guidance, about what to do and how to do it, right out of the air in front of you.

Responding to the flow, being one WITH the flow.

Letting yourself be shown and guided IN the moment.

Being here now.


Nothing to know.

Nothing to worry about.

Nothing to SHOW, or prove.

And always,

Of course,

Being obedient,

To the directions of your soul.

Oh, you may think that it makes no sense! What you’re being told to do! How can THAT lead to what I want, how is THIS a good use of my time, how on EARTH is that gonna help?!

But the thing is …

Yours is not to question.

Just as yours is not to edit, or critique, what comes from or through you.

Yours is to listen.

To trust.

To allow.

And to BE, the vessel.

For the message.

For your soul.

For the flow of life itSELF.

So if right now you’re hurting.

And if right now it feels OH so much.

And if right now it’s RELENTLESS, it’s ENDLESS, and you seem to be running at a million miles an hour WHILE holding all the things up in the air and simultaneously hanging RIGHT off of the precipice, terrified you’re about to drop.freaking.everything –

Then let me just ask you one question,

And with it, also remind you, of what you’ve been running from hiding from, and trying, EVER futilely, to live without –

What does your soul have to say about this?

And for what is this moment right here, here for?

That’s all.


Life is Now. Press Play.


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