Success/Success Mindset


If there’s one habit I’ve cultivated that I’m most proud of myself for, aside from perhaps the habit of practicing surrender, and TRUST (both essential, btw, if you want to allow in the things you want!), it’s the habit of being able to cut myself free from things which don’t align.

“That’s just classic Katrina, isn’t it? It’s like your MO or something, you always just end up walking away from people. Relationships, friends, all of it!”

I remember somebody saying this to me years ago, who was hurting as I was, well, walking away from them, and it made me really pause.

There was truth in it.

And it stung, a little bit, in that moment, as I wondered –

Is this something, as is being implied, that I should worry or feel bad about? Maybe I just have a problem following through on things, or staying the course! After all, I DO walk away from people a LOT … already back then, when this was said – years ago – I’d lost SO many people who were once insanely close to me. Now that number is even higher!

So I stopped, and I thought about it –

Maybe I needed to take stock of the choices I was making, and realise that I can’t always have everything my way … or maybe (as was recently thrown at me by a different person, also one who I had to walk away from), maybe it really is that my standards are too high.

“Well you just keep on raising the bar, don’t you?”

(Said with not the most complimentary of tones)

The thing is –

Try as I might, and I really have tried ever single time someone gets hurt by me, well, raising the bar or perhaps better said just being clear on where it was all along, I actually just can’t bring myself to feel bad about this.

You know?

Yesterday I was teaching in my Inner Circle private client group around the process of manifesting the so-called impossible.

One of my clients had an EPIC epic, beyond epic win in January after riding out some pretty gnarly stuff in the lead up, and we were breaking down what actually had to be in place, what was in place and how she stepped up in order for this to happen.

The first thing on the list?

Walking away.

Releasing, walking away from, leaving, turning her back on STUFF THAT WAS NOT FULLY ALIGNED.

You’ve heard it a million times – if it’s not a hell YES it’s a hell NO.The thing is –

Most people aren’t actually backing that shit up, are they? And by most people I possibly mean YOU. For sure right now there are things in your life which are not a 100% certain HELL yes, which means they are in fact a hell NO, automatically, and you’re just kinda sorta pretending it’s not really an issue.

Doesn’t matter whether these are big things, such as relationships, or less convoluted things, such as what’s in your funnel or what you’re selling, or heck, even what you’re eating for lunch, the PRINCIPLE remains the same.

When you continue to say yes to hell NO –

Life will continue to NOT say yes to you!

Let’s not forget that life will meet you exactly where you choose to go, so every time you accept something which is in fact not acceptable for you on a soul level, life gets the message loud and clear that THAT IS WHERE YOU WISH TO PLAY.

In maybe.

In ‘not quite’.

In nearly.

In ‘it’s not so bad!’.

And here is what else –

The longer you take, to walk away from things which are not aligned, the greater the price you pay.

Sure, you may eventually make the decision and God damn be who you’re meant to be, but your FAITH was WEAK.

And your rewards shall be reduced accordingly.

This is not some sort of punishment from God, this is a simple PRODUCT OF YOUR ACTIONS AND CHOICES.

It’s how life works.

On the other hand, become the person who SWIFTLY acts, always, without fail and without exception, and no matter how sticky or tricky the situation, or what the supposed fallout, in the direction of alignment and your REWARDS WILL BE GREAT ACCORDINGLY.

“Classic Katrina, isn’t it?”

“You just keep on raising the bar”

“Your standards are too high, you’re being unreasonable”

Well –


You’re right.


And actually, no, I never raised the bar, the bar was always where it was, and this is true in business, with money, with what I require in a romantic relationship, with my body, etc, however what is true and where I get I may have confused God, others, myself –

And so I’m sorry for that –

Is that I did not always live in accordance with my own standards.

I settled.

I sacrificed in ways which were not aligned.

I made compromises that went against soul.


Damn straight, too, and I’m glad I did, because how else would I learn, grow, drop deeper into me, drop deeper into soul, become ROCK SOLID ON WHO I AM AND HOW I SHOW UP AS WELL AS RECEIVE?

I’m always so grateful, for the lessons learned.

But learn I DID, that’s for sure.

Grow I did, and continue to.

And become EVER QUICKER at cutting loose from shit that’s not aligned, yep, done that too.

Continue to.

And reap the REWARDS accordingly.

I can tell you right now, if you’re keeping stuff in your life in ANY area which you know is meant to go, you can do all the work you like to commit, to create, to allow in the life you dream of and know is aligned it WON’T FUCKING HAPPEN, and that should be OBVIOUS.

Isn’t it true that one of the most critical elements of receiving at the next level is that you need to BE the next level you, the you who would have that life?



Which makes it very black and white, doesn’t it?

Actually it always was … no need to pretend otherwise 😉


Either the way you’re showing up right now for your body, your health, how you eat and move, is next level you behaviour, or it’s not.

Either your current relationships (all of ’em, personal and professional) are a hell YES, of COURSE the elevated me would have this and be in this, or NO.

Either what you’re selling and how you’re putting yourself out there is an EXACT MATCH FOR YOUR HIGHER SELF, or no.

Either what you’re spending your daily time on is of COURSE, or it’s what in the actual fuck?

I guess what we’re really saying here, is either you believe you can have the life you dream of, fully, and just as it’s been shown to you, and on.your.terms, or?


And if no?

Then no.

You ain’t gonna see it happen for you.

Is that really new information though?

Go do what you gotta do.

And don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.


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