Success/Success Mindset


Do you know who you are, and are you acting it?

Do you understand that the only way to receive results as the Queen you are here to be is to go into the place where it is done, and you are the person, and then be the person?

Do you GET that the higher levels, the levels where you are truly playing life on the frequency of being all of you, are EASIER?

It’s time to play a new game sister.

The game where you go, but NOW, to the end goal, to the place and space where you are already looking BACK on the journey and seeing that yes,

It was good.

It was needed.

It was GROWTH.

and thank God it is now GONE, done, over, finished, and you are THAT woman, who holds court in the most stately of ways, who KNOWS WHO SHE IS, and acts it.

Do you know who you are?

Are you ACTING it?

Or does fear have the reigns, but GOOD?

Do you know who you are, who you would be, if you had not a care and KNEW you were taken care of, and yet, when push comes to shove, then the battle lines have been drawn and it’s time to take stance, you FOLD –

Like the flimsiest house of cards there ever could be –

And reveal that, despite ALL of your training and ALL of your supposed preparedness, you STILL DON’T HAVE YOUR CORE.

You’ve no stability.
No certainty.
No ability to LEAN INTO YOU.

And so instead, even though you may talk a great talk until the very moment of action, the action, when it does come, comes from the place of KNOWING WHO YOU ARE AND YET STILL NOT BEING IT!

“Oh, but I was scared!”

“Oh, but I couldn’t take it anymore!”

“Oh, but I thought I’d look like a fool, thought I’d miss out, thought thought thought – !”

Stop thinking.

And start feeling.

Feeling back into YOU, the you who has already entered the throne room –

Taken her seat –

And takes action only from BEING.

SHE knows,

That there is nothing that can be lost
No wrong turns that can be taken
And nothing she has to do to prove herself,

For she has already been appointed

And she lives daily INTO that appointing

It is done it is done it is done,

And so it is.

She is VERY very clear on who she is,

What she stands for,

What she will rail against,

And also, of course, how life gets to treat her,

In every way.

She is simply available for what is right, and true for her, and for what naturally honours WHO SHE IS,

And she is not available for all that is not, does not, can not.

In fact –

SO unavailable is she for these things, that she doesn’t even see them,

or know that they exist!

They simply don’t enter into her realm

How could they,


And so the question right now becomes –


To the throne room.

To the QUEENS room.

To YOUR room.

Or is it that you’ve not entered at all yourself,

And you are standing at the door waiting,

Knocking and wondering who will open up to you,

The room which was always and is ONLY –


My sister, let me remind you –

The door has been open the whole time.

You are knocking at an OPEN DOOR.

And asking to be guided through,

When the only person who can guide you –

Is you.

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