When I built my first online company, Woman Incredible (fat loss, nutrition and motivation for driven women who just want more!), before I really even had any idea what I was doing or what this whole online biz thang was even about, and certainly before I had a single mentor or expert handy to tell me what to do, I somehow DIY’d myself to multiple 6-figures of seriously just-following-soul-and-fl
I was making about 30-35k a month before I even really REALISED just how for real this whole online thing was, or even how much money was coming in. I was so busy head down and ass up hanging out with my clients and community online, and creating cool shit for them, while also being still a relatively new Mum AND still working some decent hours as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition / Hormone Specialist, that I hadn’t even really paid attention to how well it was all going.
I know, right? Nice for some to be pulling in that sort of coin and not even notice! Well, on a side note re that – the reason I didn’t notice was in part because I’d largely not sorted my money mindset at ALL, and was so used to being broke AF and living $ to $ no matter how much money came IN, that I was still living that way. Couple that with the fact that I never hesitated to throw money at seminars, masterminds or anything growth related, often to the tune of thousands of dollars at a pop, or more, and the truth is I still WAS living $ to $.
I’ve been pretty great at making money my whole life actually, it was the holding on to it bit that took me a bit longer, and the growing real wealth bit longer still, but back then, when I literally ‘woke up one day and realised I was making multiple 6-figs / year’? I wasn’t there yet, internally, with the money stuff, or with my wealth growth behaviour.
That’s not what this story is about; that’s just a little context!
I mean –
I DO get that we all at times wanna be a proper grown-up fancy lady! I know I do; who doesn’t like dress ups?! But do it because you HAVE to, because it’s required in order to be something or GET somewhere, or because SOMEBODY said you must?
Usually, it’s a mix of voices both in and out of the head which propel one to this point of ‘now I must become organised and serious’.
Coaches and mentors maybe.
Well meaning friends or peers.
Experts in your news feed.
Family members or peeps you know only offline, who indeed know jack fucking shit about online business and possibly similar about the real YOU, and so whose opinion therefore does.not.count.
And what these voices say, alongside the voice of fear in your own head, is something like this:
‘What got you here won’t get you there, you know!’
*cue stern frowny face and finger waggling.
It’s the worst, don’t you think?!
ANYWAY … (hehe … I do like a good tangent or three) –
This is in fact a true statement in a few critical ways which we’ll get to in a moment, but it is NOT true in the sense that it is said.
The mindset that every online entrepreneur and their dog, and unfortunately many of their coaches too, seem to be befuddled with, is that to go to the next level of money flow, soulmate high-level clients, and critical and respected acclaim, one must implement FANCY LADY SYSTEMS STRUCTURE PROCEDURE ETC.
Basically – stop being so damn all OVER the place! Get organised! Quit all the flowy make shit up fly by the seat of your pants while simultaneously shooting from the hip shit!
And, well, here’s what I’m here to say about that:
No girl.
Think back –
You KNOW that everything which has not only in the end WORKED for you, but also, more importantly, allowed you to feel at your best because you are BEING your best (aka being fully you!), everything which has lit you up and expanded the FUCK out of you, everything which has led to actual TANGIBLE results that meant something and also LASTED, and also met your needs for purpose and integrity, came.from.FLOW.
Not to rules.
Not to strategy.
Not to systems.
Oh, so you think that that’s ‘all very well’ but that to become 6-figure, multi-6, 7-, etc it just couldn’t WORK like that?
Well, I used to think so too.
And, I listened, just like you perhaps do.
To those who said I was doing it wrong for REAL growth, I was being too much, too all over the place, and that now it was time to do it PROPERLY.
I somehow fluked my way to multi-6-figs, and so then I tried to clean up my act and be an Organised Proper Systems-Led Fancy Lady so I could get to 7-figs.
I couldn’t do it. Anxiety rising, binge eating threatening to take over me; these were just a few indications. But it also just didn’t work for me even when I DID try and beat my head against the wall and make it, from a business perspective.
And in the end, EVERY time I tried to do it this way, or paid people fuckloads of money to tell me to do it this way, I ENDED UP REVOLTING.
Y’know, peasant style. Except in this case high-vibe as fuck soul-led multi-millionaire style!!
When I look back –
I can see that what got me to 6-figs –
Got me to multi-6 –
And what got me to multi-6 –
Got me to 7 –
And what got me to 7 –
Got me to multi-7-figs per year –
EVERY step, I thought for a minute that it can’t work NOW, and I gotta serious myself up.
EVERY time, in the end, I realised I was wrong, and I WENT BACK TO WHAT WORKED.
Being me.
Making shit up as I go.
Being ALL over the place fucking chaotic, crazy, messy, disorganised.
Changing my mind continually!
OFTEN failing to follow through!
REFUSING to follow any norms!
JUST focusing on my message, my content, and letting any systems that DID come about (which they did!) come FROM flow, i.e. the system was revealed by following the flow. Not by being planned for.
Here is the bit about ‘what got you here won’t get you there’ which is true –
Your mindset baby, and specifically?
And that is all there is to say about that.
I’m just here to tell you shit you already know.
I hope you’re listening, ’cause DON’T FORGET –
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