Resting in God


“And as many as walk by the Spirit of God, so too are the sons (and daughters) of God”.

I spent the night in tangled dreams, a thrashing back and forth from the bedsheets in the physical, the awareness of the hot and heavy room perhaps contributing to my restlessness, yet mostly wrapped in a place within my spirit where God was showing me,


And what I saw, what I was shown, what was made known, a mentally confusing yet spiritually profound kaleidoscope of truth, was a simple representation of how accessible and ever present the Spirit of God IS,

and how continually we have the choice to walk by Him and be led by faith and His SUPER-natural power + equipping on all things,

or no.

I saw also how readily we, despite this availability, despite the miraculous wonder and joy that IS a life walking fully by faith and sight is, simply choose no.

Switching continually back to our own will. Our own way. Our own thoughts. “This is the direction I’ll go, oh yes!”.

Only to realise in dismay a moment later,
or perhaps several,
we wandered off track again.

“Lord bring me back!”

And SWITCH. A button was flicked, the tracks we were hurtling along on suddenly adjusted with a smooth yet speedy motion, and the hurry scurry train of our own wants set back on the pure and right tracks laid out for us by our Father. His plan for us secure. Grounded. Certain. And wondrous beyond ANY imagination we may have without Him.

I felt the surety of resting in Him as we moved now with certainty and at HIS pace. A knowing that it was *that* easy, just call out to Him and choose, and He will set you on path.

How simple! How beautiful! How wonderful to just KNOW you are where you are meant to be, and all that is for you to know, or see, or action,

will be shown.

And then suddenly –


The mind once again taking over. Emotion, and fear, and doubt. Or a moment of defiance, of frustration, of want NOT led by Him.

Almost without noticing …

we now find ourselves back on our own path. The tracks ones we have built our selves, with much toil, and sweat, an idea of one day gain somehow never quite fulfilled.

Looking back over our shoulder as we sped once more in a direction God never called us to go, alarmed in a way and not wanting to leave Him yet at the same time –

I choose this. Just for a moment!
Oh how FAST the train moved away from our Fathers sure arms.
“But surely”,
(the mind mused)
“there is someplace I must see at the end of this!”

I cried out in my dream or perhaps half waking sleep –

“Lord show me how to walk fully by your Spirit, let me see!”

And then – SWITCH.

All was once more calm. Still. And right.
The rushing countryside had slowed down.
The tracks somehow adjusted again,
and my train
once more on path.

I felt the exhale of relief, the knowing once more returned. Yes THIS.

Is where I must be.

Frustrated, I tossed and turned in my bed. I’d been reading and learning then praying as I fell asleep on this exact topic, and my cry to God had been to help me once and for all understand that as much as it is the nature of my flesh to want what IT wants, being led by the Spirit, His, in mine, is always right there.

“How do I then stop battling with my SELF, when I want to only surrender to YOU Lord?! Show me in a NEW way, so I fully just GET –

it’s like this”.

It seemed as though I spent the entire night thrashing around and switching back and forth from what appeared to be MY path, the one of my own ideas and wants and impacted in ways I could not even fully perceive by the plan the DEVIL has for me, to resting and traveling safely in God.

And bit by bit as I went back and forth,
this way then that,
almost becoming dizzy at the continual switching,
I gradually realised that simple and obvious thing which I already knew,
yet had still been looking for some sort of greater revelation of.

It really is just choose.
It really is just surrender.
It really is just cry out to Him.
It really is just let go.
It really is just YES Lord, I say I am yours, use me as YOU wish.

And that missing word you’re looking for?
The bit where you’re waiting to get past the continual battle, the bit where you want to know what the ONE thing to say or choose is which will allow you to finally walk FULLY in Gods plan?

All of the above.
Just add ‘again’.

Sometimes the biggest thing for us to let go of,
is the idea we had to get past our selves in order to walk with God.

When in actually fact it’s simply OH –
I could totally keep going that way, and even at times think I really really want to.
I don’t have to not feel that. I don’t have to not be aware of it. But I also don’t have to choose it.

So FLICK THE SWITCH LORD, and set it to you.

And as many times as I switch it back?
I’ll just choose you again.
And thank you that BECAUSE of you,
I am made able.
And empowered.
To do just that.

The thing is, there are always going to be ‘you’ choices you could be making instead of the ones you will make when you surrender your path to Him, and are Spirit led.

Those ‘you’ choices don’t go away. There’s times when they seem oh so far away, and then there will inevitably times when it seems that that path YOU wrote is zooming along right next to the one God has for you, tempting or even taunting you to switch tracks. Telling you it’s not so big a deal, just this one quick detour!

It is NOT about getting rid of your natural.
It’s just –
“no thanks.
Not today.
That path of death is not for me anyway.
and I take authority given to me in Christ over my flesh.
And then watch the path you could have walked,
speed away”.

So …

stop looking for a way out when you already have one. As with all things, in the end it is simply:

And then I said yes.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



Let’s talk about 1st Quarter Supernatural Increase.

And full private with me for that 3 months (plus bonus time together when you secure your place before our Jan 12 start!)

When I got the download for this it was an immediate ‘YES’ in my spirit. The title … the concept … the OBVIOUSNESS of simply –

calling it what it is.

It was as simple as God showing me: let’s focus on this.

I immediately wrote up an overview of what I saw, emailed it out once, and then set it aside in the midst of 3 or 4 other more timely things I was doing for you.

Usually, if I set something aside it’s because I’m not actually going to end up doing it. The old ‘helter skelter’ me simply wouldn’t end up coming back to it, because … new things! Shiny things! Now things! Or because perhaps the idea itself was just a passing cloud, not one to anchor in.

In this case I just felt –

slow burn.
Talk about it now and again.
The right women will show up regardless and when it’s time.
At some point you will ‘switch flick’ and start to talk about it more perhaps. Let’s see!

I was also beginning a slow burn on my new and ‘inaugural for 2024’ signature course, ‘Supernatural Overflow School’. Can I just say –

NOBODY is gonna want to miss out on that! (Kick off mode will begin soon but you can already get your place now if you’re the ‘say yes as soon as you know it’s a yes type!’)

But back to 1st Quarter Supernatural Increase. And FULL private with me, at the highest level, to, well –

do exactly that.

It wasn’t until I signed up my first confirmed new client for this work that I realised there is a deeper and simpler drop in to share with you on this.

And that drop in is simply this:

It was always meant to be about one thing.

That one thing may be represented in a myriad of different ways. Meaning that the seasons of what you offer and how will change.

But the underlying?
Is you simply flowing from a place of who God made you to be, supernaturally equipped, empowered, and RESTING IN EASE.

Whilst seeing a work so big pour out of you you won’t believe it TIL you see it,
and yet none of it is meant to come from this endless fight against your self, whilst pushing for more.

It’s time to let go.
It’s time to exhale into the KNOWING you have around just how far you’re meant to go.

And it’s time to say yes to the FULLNESS of what God has for you in business.
In money.
In life.

Where I come in?
I will help you to remember and also see now who you ALWAYS were,
and then become the version of that that it’s time for.

NO holds barred.
And fully Holy Spirit led in this as in all things.

Quit the NONSENSE you’ve been making it about.
And let me mentor and hold you to see what God is saying it IS about,
in 1st Quarter Supernatural Increase.

> Pm to apply
> Serious 1:1 / all in inquiries only
> For the woman already doing the thing who secretly knows she is making it OH so difficult and slow,
and that there’s a different way.


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