

It’s time to surrender, gorgeous.

All of this stuff, you hold to so tightly, wanting and wishing and TRYING –

To make it work.

To make it be yours.

To have it now.

To FORCE into the box you think it must be in –

It’s time to let it go.

It’s time to detach, from that which you can’t control, which is to say, from everything outside of your own feelings, your own thoughts, your own state.

You get to choose how you react.

You get to choose how you feel.

You get to choose how you think.

You get to choose how you BE in this world, and as a result of WHO YOU CHOOSE TO BE you also choose your reality, around you, your outcomes, received, but what you do NOT get to choose is to force –

Those things to show up how or when or as, you in your FEAR-based state, think they must.

It’s time to surrender.

What, you think by WORRYING about it you’re going to get there faster?

You think by exerting FORCE or MANIPULATION somebody or something outside of you is going to jump through your hoops?

Is that how you want it, anyway?

You got there because you TRICKED, the world, into giving you, begrudgingly, what you want?

I don’t think so.

And it won’t hold, anyway.

It’s time to surrender, because when you let GO, of fists tightly grasped, so scared you might miss OUT, you are then ABLE, to open up your palms –

Stretch out your arms –

And receive.

Do you want to know why surrender is so important, when you have a particular Thing Which You Desire?

1) It allows you to stop freaking the FUCK out, and admit what you really want

2) It gives you the freedom to ADMIT what you really want, because if you’ve surrendered the outcome you’re not trying to adjust or tweak it from fear, with the mindset that if you compromise a little here, a little more there, maybe you can get something ‘pretty close to’.

3) It allows you to be TUNED IN, in alignment, in the now, and therefore to LISTEN in, to what the aligned action is, which you can now take

The truth is that in order to ACCOMPLISH or GET a Thing, there is NEVER anything you must do (i.e., a list, of length Plans, and Actions), but yet there is ALWAYS an action to take.

Right here.

Right now.

So the question is …

How the hell are you supposed to know what the CORRECT aligned action to take in the now is, in order to create your reality from WITHIN, if you’re too busy holding on, freaking out, worrying, or trying to negotiate with God or the Universe about the terms?

You can’t.

SURRENDER, is the answer.

Surrender says –

“I believe I can create whatever I desire. I choose – this! I’ve asked for it, and so it is mine, and all I need to do now is wait for my order to be delivered!”

You don’t order food in a restaurant and then sit there anxiously waiting in fear that it might not arrive … or making bargains in your head about which slightly different version of it you could accept as a compromise!

Why would you do that when it comes to ordering what you want in life?



Take aligned action, if required.


But SURRENDER the outcome.

This means, surrender also says:

“This or something better. Whatever I have asked for I believe is DONE, and I choose to receive as MINE, but I also know it’s this or something better slash more ALIGNED. So as much as I really really think I want the actual Thing and I want it just SO, and I absolutely believe and know it is DONE, I also know that if it never works out that way –

It’s cool.

It was meant to be something else. Because EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT PERFECTLY FOR ME, I always make the right decision, I am taken CARE of”

How do you surrender?

You simply choose to.

Write down desire. Write and claim and see it as done. Consciously surrender –

“I now release the outcome. I surrender the outcome. Thank you.”

And carry the fuck on with your day. Tune IN. Ask yourself – “if I fully knew and trusted and believed it WERE done, and I saw myself as ALREADY being that person, what is the ALIGNED ACTION I WOULD TAKE?”

Then take the God damn action, okay!! Every day. Take the ACTION. Every moment. What is the CORRECT ACTION for right NOW, which the BELIEVING and TRUSTING you would take.

But what if what if what if what if I CAN’T seem to surrender? What if fear is still there? What if I just can’t seem to let GO? What if I actually DO need to single-handedly hold up the entire world?!

Okay –


Fucking PRACTISE surrendering, practise asking for what you want, practise CHOOSING to believe and see it as done, practise releasing it.

What, you thought this was a one time thing?

Is anything?!

Anything worth doing.

Is worth doing daily.

For the rest of your life.

Success is EASY.

Just be the person who does the work (inside and out).

For the rest of your life.

What else?

There are certain beliefs of course, which you must hold of course, for all this to work for you.

Of course.

For example:

You can’t very well SURRENDER, if you don’t first and foremost hold the belief that you ARE taken care of.

Here are some of the beliefs I have chosen to imprint in myself, along the way. Beliefs which make it easy for me to know that when I am clear on what I want, admit and ask for it, surrender it, and then take aligned in the NOW action, I simply cannot fail.

I believe:

I always make the right decision.

Everything always works out perfectly for me!

I am taken care of by God and the Universe.

I am worthy of excellence and living my dreams in all areas.

God doesn’t give me a dream to dream if it’s not to be mine.

If I can see it (and admit and ask for it) then it will become mine, part of my reality.

I use my mind to create the world around me.

I get to choose how I feel and think.

I get to choose my state, in any situation.

If I choose something, ask for it, take aligned action, continually, and am willing to DO so until I get there (no matter how long that might take yes even for EVER), then THAT THING OR SOMETHING BETTER WILL BE MINE.

And so on.

And so forth.

I choose beliefs to support me. I wasn’t born with these beliefs. I didn’t used to believe them. I chose them. Based on the outcomes I wanted and the life I wanted to create as a result.

I then practised them.

Fucking PRACTISE, baby. If you care.

And slowly but surely, they became my actual beliefs. They in turn dictated my thoughts. My feelings. My emotions. And also, obviously, my outcomes.

So now …

When I want something …

Or I feel called …

And I notice, perhaps, as oft still happens with a New goal, a Big goal, a Scary and Exciting goal, that I’m holding on TIGHTLY, wishing and wanting or trying to FORCE instead of flow, or alternatively starting to make bargains or compromises in my head –

I remind myself.

It’s very, very, VERY simple, to get, have, become, do ANYTHING I want.

1) Breathe in. Breathe out. CHOOSE to surrender.

2) Now: what is it I ACTUALLY want? If I could have it totally my way and have it be amazing (and I can), what would I want?

3) Admit it. Good. This is what I want! Thank you very much.

4) SURRENDER the outcome. If my order doesn’t arrive it means something better was there for me since I ALWAYS MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION AND I AM ALWAYS TAKEN CARE OF AND EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT PERFECTLY FOR ME.

5) Do the motherfucking work bitch. Aka: what is the (tune in!) aligned action to take right NOW?

Right now, the aligned action I needed to take, was to write this.

To remind myself, perhaps, of an area where I’ve been holding on tightly πŸ™‚

Or maybe just to remind you.
