Success/Success Mindset


Yesterday somebody online said I am a meanie because of some comments I made around how most men show up for their fitness.


“Not everybody can work as hard as you! Slow progress is better than none”.

In a moment of overt frankness (more overt than normal haha … which is certainly saying something) I replied with the following – 

“Of course they can. Most people are just pussies”.

Did I say slow progress is better than none? No I did not. In fact MOST result-based progress is slow and steady, in business, in fitness, in life! But that’s got jack shit to do with actually showing UP fully.

What I’d said in the first place which riled her up so much was that I was sick of seeing men at the gym who were clearly there in body but not with their spirit or soul.

“It’s great you’re here”, I said. “Well done for getting your body to the gym, that’s an awesome start! But you MIGHT wanna bring along your spirit and soul and actually ‘be here’ next time!”

See, I did acknowledge something is better than nothing!

And anyway –

If being unimpressed with the concept of someone showing up for something in their life in body but not in soul makes me an asshole, I am okay with that.

The reality which is too much for most people is that I’m not okay with a life which is anything less than fuck yes across the board, and with a standard of excellence which would terrify most.

And I’m here only for the peeps who know that showing up ain’t showing up unless it is balls to the walls and with ALL systems go.


For starters!

So yeah … if I see you playing business or fitness or any part of your life with a “I’m doin’ the thing but I’m not BEING the damn thing” attitude then you can bet your ass I’m going to look right on past you.

Feel free to ignore me too 😉

Because here is what the ACTUALLY successful people understand which the rest of the world never can –

(And when I say successful I mean TRUE success, inside and out, a purpose-driven and soul-fulfilling life which also results in the obvious physical markers of success, based on what that person chooses)


It’s just not.

And it’s time to quit being such a damn pussy about CRUSHING every aspect of life.

Side note: don’t even EVEN with the comments about how pussy’s can take a beating. I am aware of this. I fully honour my own and all vagina’s + all accompanying nether regions. I’m still gonna use the damn expression, deal with it.

The truth which most will never admit or accept, and will actively rail against and get ANGRY about me or anybody else saying (because if they admitted it they’d also be admitting they ARE a pussy!) is that success is EASY.

It is EASY to be in phenomenal shape, age and number of childbirths regardless.

“Oh Kat, you don’t get it, not everybody has the time / energy / motivation / know how you do!”

Shut the fuck up. You’re just not willing to do the work.

“Oh, well (profound and woeful expression on face), I just know what’s more important. There are more important things than being in epic hot af shape. Clearly you have your priorities wrong and live a sad and empty and shallow life beneath all that social media glam”

You –


Nope, I know exactly what my priorities and values are, and money plus a hot booty are nowhere near the top of the list. But I’LL STILL BE HAVING ‘EM PLUS ALL OTHER SO-CALLED ‘SURFACE’ RESULTS I WANT. Why?


You are so full of shit if you actually even REMOTELY believe the idea that making a lot of money, building a hugely successful and IMPACTFUL empire, or being in EXCELLENT shape is HARD.

Of course it takes work!

Plenty of it.


And you BETTER be all in with that shit, you better show up body soul and spirit like I said!

But HARD? Unavailable? Comes at a cost of something which matters more?

Don’t make me laugh.

You don’t understand how life WORKS. I’ll tell you what HARD IS! Hard is looking in the damn mirror each evening and knowing you didn’t show up for your LIFE. That’s fucking hard!

Hard is making promises to yourself which you repeatedly break.

Hard is saying you’ll do or be one thing and then never following through.

Hard is letting your LIFE tick on by as you repeatedly have to go to bed at night knowing you FAILED TO BE WHO YOU ARE.

THAT is hard!

But as for the things of discipline and consistency and ‘all in-ness’, and the daily doing of the work both inside and out? THAT’S NOT HARD!

Discipline =

And the foundation for motherfucking flow.

“Oh, but I don’t want to hustle all day long”


I do a few hours work a day. A few hours of movement and fitness each day. And the rest of the time I basically chill and play either solo or with my kids or my besties. I sleep 8 hours consistently. I do what I want when I want and ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF WHAT I DO is fun and play.

Because I learned long ago to attach positive emotions to result-based action. I learned to GENUINELY fall in love with the grind, the push, the BURRRRRNNNNNNN baby, the purposeful pain.

So if that’s what you mean by hustle all day … firstly you’re misguided as fuck and secondly I’ll take it.

But thirdly, and most relevantly, again, if you’re saying or thinking that stuff –


You’ve shown yourself over and over again to be such a damn pussy that you’re not willing to even go through a little short term discomfort and pain in order to switch into being the person who genuinely LOVES the push (’cause duh … humans were DESIGNED to strive, overcome, push, create … you are ALL out of whack if you’re not enjoying that shit and I bet your sex drive sucks too) …

And you’ve shown yourself over and over again to just be base level stupid about how life actually works.

You were BORN for MORE.

That’s the long and short of it.

You already know it.

And you’re either gonna wake up and finally be willing to ADMIT it and then show up accordingly –

Or you can continue on with the rest of the NPC’s just filling up space.

But let’s be perfectly clear –

If you think success, MASSIVE success both physically / materially as well as energetically / emotionally / spiritually, comes at a cost you’re not willing to pay, then baby?


Look around.

Right now, you are giving your LIFE for not being the person who you know you were born to be.

And I don’t know ’bout you?

But I’d say that’s a pretty big fucking price to pay.

But sure, yeah, no worries –

Keep on half-assing your way through gym, business, life.

And cry cry cry when somebody calls you out on being better than that.

The good news is you won’t be alone. Plenty of equally soft lemmings out there who are happy to cry along with you and call me a big meanie.

Enjoy each other. Since you’re not willing to create anything else worth enjoying, for yourself or the world.



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