Success/Success Mindset

Screw Traditional Marketing, Productisation, Sales

I would throw my head on this lovely outdoor dining table of mine right now and weep and moan and wail and gnash my teeth if I thought that at this point in our journey together? It’s not crystal clear that there is absolutely no need for you to EVER follow any sort of traditional –

popular –

or recommended –

ways to productise, monetise, sell.


The way to do business do life do soul do YOU is always and only to follow what you are TRULY guided on.

Plant yourself firmly in God. In soul. In higher self. In YOUR TRUTH and where you know that must come from,


Do not act from any other place.
Do not make any exceptions.
There is NO point in time, no matter how confronting or counter-intuitive (ha! Fix your damn intuition if it feels this way), or inappropriate, or WHATEVER, it may feel, at which FEAR SHOULD TAKE THE WHEEL.

I’d suggest you make it a simple rule:

I act from God, I act from soul, I act from faith, I act from what I know I MUST, and if nobody’s doing it then that is because it’s on me! The only person who can create my path is ME, by being on it!

Look –

I get what it feels like to have doubt around this. To be uncertain. To not know ‘how’. To wonder ‘what if’, and feel like you CAN’T. So for me, that’s why I make it simple on myself:

I just have a rule that I act from God and soul, period, The End. The rule is, when I know I MUST do something, or even when I feel uncertain but yet feel that pull, I HAVE to follow it.

I’ve learned that the sooner I do so, and the more fully, the greater the reward.

When I say yes to soul,
life says yes to me.

When I say yes to soul FASTER,
life says yes to me faster, bigger, better!

^^ I have the first tattooed in my own handwriting on my right-side rib cage. Maybe I should put the second under it. Haha.

Thinking point: Are you willing to choose to do the same, for you? Do you really honestly think that there is ANY OTHER WAY which could possibly make sense? Be honest! And then DECIDE, decide what your personal policy will be.

Get it? Got it? GOOD.

Okay, so how does all of this apply to productising what’s in you, and then monetising / selling TF outta it?

Does it mean you shouldn’t learn from others, explore or trial popular ways of doing things, experiment?

No. Of course not. Keep learning. Observe others. Explore. HOWEVER –

do it all with a filter that has to be right for YOU, in your core, and that at any moment you have complete freedom – and also responsibility – to turn your back on something you THOUGHT perhaps made sense, or you THOUGHT you’d follow through on, and to do it your own crazy ass way.

I usually find that that’s the best way 

Action to take:

Journal on what would be different right now, if you were to give yourself this complete and total freedom, and to also REQUIRE yourself to follow soul and God and you this way.

Play out the exact steps / changes this would have on the way your current offers are put together, and sold, or any future offers or ideas you’ve been mulling over.

And then FOLLOW THE FUCK THROUGH. Be brave. Close your eyes and LEAP into the life that is being shown to you inside of you.

Otherwise, what are you even here for anyway? Just another distraction from the fact that you never back yourself? I DON’T THINK SO.

Mush mush then 
