

I know what it’s like to feel terrified of trusting, opening up, being vulnerable with your truth, your emotions, your YOU-ness, your heart, or – quelle idee! – all of it.

And I’m going to tell you how to know you can trust, be vulnerable, open up, and believe, finally, or perhaps once more, in something scary.

I know what it’s like to be CERTAIN that if you were to do that, let them see that, TELL that or SHOW that, that the whole thing would be over.

Worlds collapsing.
People turning away.
You, left alone, or simply, your worst fears proven true, which when all is said and done is simply that it’s NOT SAFE TO BE FULLY YOU.

Yesterday I wrote –
About being safe to be fully you –
And about the time –
When I used to strike a bargain with life –
(or perhaps a man … but really, of course, only, my self …)
– a bargain of how often I was allowed to be me
And of how I will never again be anything less than ALL that I am, in each moment in time, for every moment forward

What I feel, now, when I think about the consequences of being ALL of me, of repeatedly FULLY following soul desire and guidance, not just when it’s fun or cool, but ESPECIALLY when it’s uncomfortable and it hurts OH so bad to imagine the scary outcomes, what I FEEL is –

Well –

Some people will like me
Some won’t
So what

Either way, my safety comes from ME, and either way, I am always okay, everything is always perfect, it is no longer POSSIBLE for me to have love withdrawn, safety withdrawn, or self-worth, hinged, on a person, a thing, an outcome, you know?

This is how I know it’s safe to trust, be vulnerable, open up, and believe, finally, or perhaps for the first time, in something scary:

Because if things were to change
If you were to bare your naked soul to the world
If you were to turn FULLY front on to that person, that thing, that HOPE, that dream, or more relevantly, that KNOWING of where you must go and what ALIGNMENT now is –
If you were to do this
And then what you THOUGHT was meant or what you so DEEPLY desired or what you just expected and were excited of then ‘didn’t work’ … was taken away … shifted or changed … or was just never what you thought it would be, in the first place, well –

You’d be COMPLETELY FUCKING OKAY and everything would TRULY be perfect and as it’s meant to be because that is just how it IS.

So, I suppose you might wonder, why then? If everything comes from in ME anyhow (and of course it does, and ONLY can) … if I can only receive love, happiness, joy, flow, abundance, when I first gift it to mySELF, why then?

Why open up, why be vulnerable, why turn fully front on to another, or to your tribe, or to the world, and bare your heart and soul, let others in, let them see and know ALL of you, let yourSELF come to receive so much joy from that?

WHY TAKE THE RISK OF BEING HURT, knocked down, cast aside, or your belief shaken?

Well, no reason I suppose …
Why SHOULD you I suppose …
Why WOULD you I suppose …
Why not just keep it all ONLY within you, and protect at least SOME of your truth, ‘just in case’, or just because, well, doesn’t it make SENSE? Why would you open up the most delicate parts of you to the possible poking or podding or tearing, from others, from the world, from ANYWHERE?

It’s very simple actually …

You wouldn’t.


Unless …

Unless …


Unless you believe in soul guidance, even when it’s scary or uncomfortable. Unless you believe in your own intuitive powers. Unless you believe that you not only GET to fully create your life from within, but that what you are nudged towards (or told in no uncertain terms!) from within is also the WAY TO GO, a responsibility, the path revealed to you, day by day and moment by moment, and that your HIGHER SELF ALWAYS SHOWS THE WAY.

The most terrifying actions I’ve taken have been the ones where my soul guides me to do something that seems downright RECKLESS … or foolish … or completely counter-intuitive.

It makes no SENSE –
I don’t want to take the RISK –
I’ve already had my faith tested and I don’t know if I can stand to do so AGAIN –

And you tell yourself –

I’ll turn away.
I can get everything I need inSIDE of me; I DON’T HAVE TO DO THAT.

And your heart says, your soul says, your higher self says, the blueprint within says –


ALL you had to do was listen –
To your OWN freakin’ self – !

No, NEVER what you’re told by another, by society, by external ANYTHING.

But ALWAYS what you’re guided to from within.

There’s a simple rule I’ve found
About life.
About business.
About money.
About receiving.
About abundance.
About love.
About connectedness to soul, and source, and higher self, and all.

And the rule is this –

You were born with the blueprint to everything. You KNOW everything, and you’ve always known, and everything you dream of is available to you NOW.

You don’t get given a dream, a destiny, a calling, a fucking wish upon a star which is NOT YOUR DREAM TO DREAM.

And then there is this:

Just because you have a calling
Just because you have a dream
Just because you have a destiny
Just because the DEEPEST knowings of your soul are yours to create and live into –

Doesn’t mean they will EVER FUCKING HAPPEN.

It’s all just a choice … choose this way, or that, it doesn’t matter, you ALWAYS have choice …

But, know this –

It’s not just that you GET to follow what’s inside of you –
It’s that you must, in all things, big and small, in all areas, all of the time.

And here is why:

You either trust in what that innermost you says and knows, and you trust therefore that you can bring to life even the CRAZIEST vision from within –

Or you don’t.

Trust is not for this but not that.
Trust is not if it feels safe or not TOO crazy.
Trust is not ‘when I’m ready’.

Trust is now.
It’s all we have.
And it’s finite.

It’s funny …

We all get so scared about opening ourselves up, showing people who we really are, and letting them in …

What if it backfires?

But the thing is …

How can it EVER backfire, when you know that no matter what, you do have everything you need inside of you.

That’s your fallback.

But not because you don’t bare your soul …

It’s so that you can.
