Success/Success Mindset


Here is the simplest way I’ve found to discover what your true purpose is, the work you were born to do in the world which will ultimately also make you the most MONEY.

It’s the thing you do to escape INTO you.

Escaping into you is not EVER to be confused with escaping OUT of you, although EITHER ONE WILL SEEM TO DO THE JOB IN THE SHORT-TERM.

The JOB being:


Coming down.

Detoxifying LIFE.

Releasing the madness or the overwhelm or the fear or the hyped up energy or the I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO SO I’LL DO THIS.

I can release THAT shit by escaping outside of myself with binge eating. DID do, for years! CAN do, still, on occasion. No longer NEED to do, when instead I’m operating from alignment and choose to give myself what I ACTUALLY need as an escape, which is to escape within.

Needless to say, binge eating is not my purpose even though it provides a RELEASE, a coming down, a detoxification. Bingeing of any kind / sabotage / mindless TOXICITY; that shit ain’t your purpose. But I bet that if you’re not LIVING your purpose and basing your life, business, income, everything around it then you WILL frequently escape outside of yourself, with whatever your go-to sabotage IS.



The way that you know what your REAL thing is, the thing to escape INTO, is that when you’re doing it you get the release, the come down, the detoxification, and overwhelm is GONE, but you also get one other CRITICAL component:

You get back to YOU.

You step into FLOW.

You are ALIGNED.

And the world, once again, makes sense, if even for that breath, that moment, that blink of an eye, and all of a SUDDEN –

The need to escape away, to run and hide or to stuff it down, drink it down, scream it away –


You know you’re on purpose when you no longer NEED those crutch-activities. You know you’re OFF purpose when you find yourself trapped by them, once more.

Eating mindlessly.

Drinking furiously.

NUMBING yourself.

Deliberately causing situations of tension, stress, upset.


The thing with being on purpose is, the stuff that THAT stuff provides a band-aid solution to, is taken CARE of.

You can BREATHE.

So you don’t need to IMPLODE or EXPLODE.

You are BEING WHO YOU ARE BORN TO BE, when you do your purpose work.

And even though, as you NOW do it, you may not have the money results or the fame results or the dream freaking life results, but yet somehow you just know:

It’s all going to be fucking amazing.

How do you know what the work of your purpose is?

Plain and simple, it’s the work you can’t NOT do, when you’re being honest enough with yourself to give yourself PERMISSION to need what you need, and maybe even to believe you’re allowed to do that, it’s okay, and it could even lead somewhere.

When you don’t DO that work, you shrink. You tighten. You run SCARED. And also:

You fucking know.

You KNOW what you NEED to do, and yet you resist, avoid, try and hide. With food, with drink, with mindless bullshit, with the mundane everyday STUFF that people give their lives for.

Telling yourself:

I can’t do that.

I shouldn’t.

It’s not right.


Of course really the record you’re playing is that YOU can’t.

I can’t be a _________ –


WHAT can’t you be?!

That’s your thing, maybe.


I can’t just spend my time __________ !


Why can’t you?

I can tell you that whatever you’re ending that sentence with is EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD BE SPENDING YOUR FUCKING TIME ON.

I can’t just do _______, not ME! Who would want to _______ !



The sentence is your LIFE honey, don’t you see? The thing you tell yourself doesn’t matter, or is a waste of time, or you shouldn’t INDULGE in, or nobody wants YOU to do, or you’re not even that GOOD at, or it’s just silly that you even WANT to, THAT IS THE THING.

Don’t you see?

It’s the fucking THING.

It was always the thing.

Every day.

Since forever.

There’s such a simple way to uncover your purpose, the thing that will allow you to get rich, impact millions, live your LEGACY, and maybe even change the world.

Don’t you SEE yet?

It’s what you can’t not.

It’s what you can’t not.

It’s what you can’t NOT.

Tonight I was tempted to go back to my hotel after a long and stressful day. GOOD stress, doing an incredible HOLLYWOOD photo-shoot. The day started off a little uncertain – questioning whether I should look SO glamorous! But it ended a good day, a great day, an EMPOWERING day!

A day also, that hyped me up, and caused me to need to RELEASE.

I wandered the streets –

Bought some hot new jeans –

Took a call –

And all I could think was I need to ESCAPE. Just that quick release, to get my mind back to CALM. I can’t FOCUS if I’m hyped up, I certainly can’t do anything that constitutes action-taking in a catch-up or busywork or even SALES sense in my business.

I need to release.

I walked back towards my hotel.

Thought about the contents of the mini-bar, thought about the idea of laying back on the bed and eating ALL THE THINGS, fast, until I got my RELEASE.

Thought then about how I’d feel after that.

Turned instead left not right.

Came here, ordered the scallops, and the octopus, and the oysters, and the grilled romaine with bacon, and the wine.

And I did the thing I need to do, REALLY, to escape into ME.

And here we are.

Sometimes people think I write so much because that’s the magic fucking formula to success or personal branding, that writing 2000+ word blog posts multiple times per day is what MESSAGING means.

The writing was NEVER about you, or anybody else, don’t you see?

It was always for me.

The fact that I finally gave myself permission to do it, to tune in, to escape within, to live my purpose and to do it from a place of COMPLETELY UNFILTERED authenticity not only was in the end NON-NEGOTIABLE for ME to actually be able to BREATHE, in my LIFE, but it was also –

Oddly –

Yet inevitably –

The thing that made me rich.

Gained me a following.

And helped me to change the fucking world.

The thing you need to do is the thing you’re meant to do.

The thing you’re meant to do is the thing that will make you your money –

Gain you your tribe –

Get you ALL the way famous

And help you live your fucking dream.

Do this thing first.

Do NOTHING else before hand.


Stop escaping with the wrong fucking thing baby.

And tune back into you.
