
Your Dreams Are a Fantasy

You do know, don’t you, that you’re never going to run out of ideas, of creativity, of ways you can impact the world?

It’s as true as the sky is blue or the grass is green.

Which really does cause one to beg the question –

Why the fuck do you treat your dreams like a fantasy?

The truth:

For as long as you have breath in your lungs and a brain in your head YOU will have something to say, and when you let that something flow from truth, from the soul, from REALness it will ALWAYS move somebody, it will ALWAYS have an impact, it will ALWAYS be precisely what you were meant to say, in that moment in time, for that person.

Those who were born to create and lead, they don’t GET to create and lead, they HAVE to create and lead; it’s what must be done, it’s the law, it’s how it is.

So when you tell yourself –

That you’re busy –

Or unsure –

Or you don’t know if anybody would really want to LISTEN –

Don’t you see? Don’t you see that it’s about SO much more than whether or not anybody would LISTEN or whether or not it’s going to make you MONEY or whether or not it’s going to grow you a BUSINESS?

Let me tell you:


They will listen.
It will make you money.
You will grow a business and a brand.

But it’s not ABOUT that anyway, so stop WORRYING about that. It’s about the simple and irrefutable fact that you? Were born to lead. And you? Are filled with ENDLESS creativity and it NEEDS to be let out.

You’re scared that what you have to say doesn’t matter, that you might run out of ideas, that you need to make sure you get everything just so in order to launch brand you?


None of it matters.

NOTHING matters.

The ONLY thing that matters is that you start doing what you were called to do.

You were born with a fire in your belly that’s never going to go away. You KNOW that so much more is possible. It doesn’t mean you’re not happy, or grateful, or proud, of what you have, who you are, what you’ve done.

Of course.

But also – so what? You’re still allowed more.

What’s your version then, really? What is MORE for you, what is it ALL for you, what is the fucking DREAM for you?

A reminder –

Leaders were born to lead.
Creators were born to create.

As a leader and a creator NOTHING WILL FUCKING MATTER until you show up every single day and you lead, and you create.

And when you do that –

And you go all in –

And you give EVERYTHING you have inside of you right now, please know:

The well won’t dry up.

The tap won’t turn to a trickle.

YOU will always have something to give, to create, to produce and the more you give IN to that, the more you show up and just OWN it, the thicker and faster it will flow.

Which is scary, yes, and perhaps partly why you avoid. How will you keep up? How will you maintain that level of awesome?!

Because you can.

But more so, because you must.

Because it’s what you were BORN for, and what else do you need to know, really?

So don’t be scared –

Don’t save your ideas –

Don’t wait for the perfect time –

Don’t SPEND your time, your energy, your emotion, your life, on things that you were not born for, not really, don’t care about, not ever.

Don’t worry –

Don’t wait –

Don’t wonder –

Don’t PUT OFF the creation of the life you long for.

There are very few, who are called as you are.

Few called to lead.

Few called to BE creators.

Fewer still called to do both.

Are you going to squander these gifts, this calling, your life? For how much longer? Until … what? What are you waiting for, really? What are you giving your LIFE for, really?

(And why?)

Yours is not to question –

Why you’ve been called the way you have.

Yours is not to query –

Whether it’s okay, or you’re allowed.

Yours is to TRUST. To have fucking FAITH. To finally, gloriously, FULLY give yourself over, to the greatest role of your life.

The one that’s been there for you, all along.

Waiting for you, since forever.

The greatest and most wonderful role you could ever hope to play.

The role, of being you.

The role, of not giving a fuck (about anything except being you).

The role of going ALL in.

The role, of starting now.

You can wait, if you like,

You can wonder, if it makes you feel better.

You can spend your time, your money, your energy, your LIFE doing things –

For people –

Because that’s –

What you should do.


And because honestly you don’t know what ELSE to do (liar!).

Or you can stop doing things (for people).

You can stop playing a game (you hate).

You can stop fucking WORRYING (forever).

And you can give yourself over –

Give IN.

BREATHE fully, for once!

Show up –

Give the world what you’ve got –

UNLEASH your revolution –

Do it ALL the way crazy –

Hold NOTHING back.

Even though –

It makes no sense –

And it’s still fucking terrifying!

And you have NO clue what you’re doing most of the time!

But yet finally –

Fully –

You’re doing you.

Wouldn’t it be nice?

But don’t worry –

You don’t have to –

It’s just a fantasy, really.

It’s NOT realistic!

It’s probably not okay.

People DEFINITELY won’t like you at times.

And there’s no guarantee it’ll work.

So take your dreams.

Take your deepest desires.

Take the fucking CALLING you were born for.

And drink it –


Or eat it –

All gone.

Or run and run and run and run and if you’re VERY good and VERY busy and you follow ALL the rules you just might manage to forget –
