I’m extreme, obsessed, relentless, a complete and total fucking diva, I want what I want when and exactly how I want it, and I WILL do the work accordingly.
You too? GOOD, you’re in the right place, and you’re probably completely down with the idea that you and I baby? We ain’t never gon’ be normal and that is TOTALLY fine, better than fine, in fact it’d be abhorrent to imagine anybody would think otherwise!
But do you know what I ACTUALLY think, when I come down (at times!) from my high horse of knowing I hustle harder better more badass faster and with more fun than ANYONE, and that my clients and friends do the same?
Do you know what crosses my mind when I sit here in the morning, up at some awesomely early pre-sunrise hour and smashing back espresso while the rest of the world gets its required 6-8 … looking ahead to a day of for sure, at least, 18 hours non.stop.grind and knowing I would NEVER have it any other way and that also the grind is the play is the hustle is my life by fucking DESIGN?
Here is what I think:
I think it’s freaking SAD that we consider this extreme.
I think it’s bullshit that society has conditioned people to believe that taking action to the level of AVERAGE accomplishment is the appropriate amount of action! That if you have a good job, a nice house, an overseas trip every few years and a mid-range vehicle then clearly you’re a go-getter.
Something interesting I notice, when I travel, which I do nearly half the time –
There are places in the world where the standard of NORMAL is wildly higher than others. Places where whether in a hotel, or a yoga class, or the gym, or just walking down the street the NORM is to be hotter –
Fitter –
More refined –
Better dressed –
Better posture –
And –
Let’s face it:
I know, I know – um, DUH, Kat. Of course if you’re going to hang out in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, etc, you’re going to observe a higher standard of normal than if you hang out in Gold Coast suburbia, or wherever else. Not exactly ground-breaking information!!
Do you know what else though?
There are places – masterminds – groups – cult tribes, even – where the standard of normal is EVEN higher than what I see in my very shallow observations around LA, or NYC.
Places where the minimum base level income is multiple 7-figures.
Where it’s taken for GRANTED that you are giving back in a huge way.
Where purchasing a 40-k+ accessory is not really even worthy of conversation.
Where it’s assumed that of COURSE you are actively hustling all day. Growing your empire. Making MILLIONS, seeking to IMPACT millions, change the world.
Where it’s KNOWN that of COURSE you are also taking care of your fitness, your relationships, your emotional state, your EVERYTHING, and operating, both inside and out, like a premium fucking machine who expects the best, creates the best, gives the best, lives the best, IS the best.
Where, by the way, the days are longer and more grueling, day in and day fucking out without exception than what ANY of the ‘normal successful’ people would actually even consider possible or sustainable, but where everybody genuinely gets OFF on that grind, is excited by it, fueled by the need to strive and push and ACTUALLY?
Actually flat out sees it as fun.
Where, ALSO, we know and believe that anything –
We decide upon and set our minds to is a done deal, that’s just how life WORKS.
We make it freaking happen.
We do what it TAKES.
We work all day, move at the speed of light, never stop and NEVER say die AND we have a damn fine time doing it.
The friendships I have cultivated around me.
The world I now live in.
Extreme, relentless, obsessed, YES?
Absofuckinglutely normal, YES.
I look around me when I’m even in certain average FITNESS environments, never mind business, wealth, life, and do you know what I feel?
I feel SCARED. GET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I ACCIDENTALLY DIP DOWN!! And that’s despite me knowing that when I set my sights on something NOTHING will stop me. I’ve spent most of my adult life pushing to get further and faster ahead despite being in an average environment a lot of the time, and I’ve ACHIEVED it.
But it is a flat out reality, nonetheless, that I move faster.
Achieve more.
Expect and demand more of myself and also the world around me.
And GET it.
When I surround myself with those whose heart also beats with the passion of wanting to actually fucking LIVE.
It is a flat out REALITY that you will always absorb the level of success, or so-called ‘normal’, you live into.
If you lived in an environment –
Surrounded yourself with people –
Choose to just SEE what you need to see –
Where it was normal to make millions and millions of dollars.
Normal to be in shit hot shape.
Normal to have AMAZING relationships.
Normal to travel in VIFP style.
Normal to buy whatever you want and never look at price.
Normal to give back in a BIG and powerful way.
Normal to know what whatever you decide would be yours just because you DECIDED for it to be.
Then that would BE your normal, plain and simple, and you’d be striving to the next level.
So you can see yourself as obssessed, extreme, relentless, and your desires as big and vast and unfuckingbelievably diva-esque.
And sometimes it feels good to do that, acknowledge it, get up on our high horse and get PROUD of the fact that we do the fucking work, and then some!
OR you can realise that whatever you see as extreme –
As super rich –
As super hot –
As ‘too good to be true’ –
Is just somebody else’s normal.
So why not make ACHIEVING it easy, by making it yours.
It’s easy and even AUTOMATED to maintain our own standards.
So if you wanna elevate, FAST?
Elevate your fucking standards.