Success/Success Mindset


Sooner or later you’re going to have to admit that this whole quest to succeed the way you think you SHOULD or MUST is nothing but a terrible, terrible distraction from doing what would ACTUALLY make you happy, rich, aligned, successful, and FREE.

Face it: you’re doing all this STUFF because ultimately what you do WANT, is freedom.

You want to be able to be and do and have and unleash anything you desire, live your life on purpose and completely on your terms!

You want to wake up every day and KNOW that it’s going to be nothing less than amazing, filled with passion and flow, and that when you’re head hits the pillow at night you will feel FULL with the knowledge that this was a good day, a great day, precisely the day it was MEANT to be and that you’re on.fucking.track.

Well, here’s a question to sober you up:

When did you last feel like THAT, hey?

When did you last go to bed at night knowing you lived your purpose, ALL in, gave it everything and did ONLY what you are meant to be doing to ACTUALLY create the business, the life, the you it’s ACTUALLY meant to be about?

The thing is –
In your quest for FREEDOM –
You’ve done exactly what you swore you wouldn’t do.

You’ve capitulated.

Just a little –

Which day by day –

Has added up to the cold hard REALITY that your days are filled with a whole bunch of STUFF you really don’t want to be doing, but worse still than that stuff you’re really not SUPPOSED to be doing.

And it was just supposed to be a little bit … for a little while … but somehow it’s become who you ARE, what you stand for, and ultimately if you don’t change it now it will become what you’re known for and then what you DIE for.

You’re giving your life for the things you’re filling it with, that’s the reality.

The activities, the time spent, the people you spend it with, the tasks you tell yourself you’ll one day STOP … all of that stuff is a recipe YOU have created which is RIGHT FUCKING NOW carving out your destiny.

It’s not a bad thing, to admit you’re on the wrong path and that you’ve fallen – as we all do at some point! – into the trap of doing shit you don’t really want to do and that is NOT your true purpose.

It is a TERRIBLE fucking thing to acknowledge that and then NOT do something about it.

It would mean that you’re consciously choosing to allow fear to guide you, effectively stating that even though you KNOW THIS IS NOT QUITE – or at all! – the RIGHT LIFE, well, too bad, you’re just gonna keep going with it because hey! You’ve started now! And hey! What if the right life doesn’t work out for you?

The question is, do you actually believe it is POSSIBLE to fail at being you? If you stop and think about that statement it seems ridiculous that I even asked it! How can you fail at being YOU?!

The answer, my answer, my BELIEF, which I CHOOSE, and which I would love to pass on to you, is simple:



But here is what THAT means, and why most people will NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT:

It means that the stuff you feel inside of you is real.

It means that the shit you dream of ‘one day’ doing is exactly what you are SUPPOSED to be doing. NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW not one day. Life is NOW. The time is ALWAYS now. When in doubt START NOW.

It means that your biggest and most CRAZIEST fantasy dreams are POSSIBLE for you, because God simply doesn’t give you a dream you can’t create, aren’t capable of, are not allowed!

It MEANS that you need to getthefuckoveryourself, and get on with it.

It means you need to look fear in the eye and decide to DANCE with it, not be COMMANDED by it.

It means you need to go all the way fucking in, baby, and not wait for a moment longer.

It means you CANNOT FAIL WHEN YOU DO ALL OF THIS, because you CAN’T fail at being you, it’s literally impossible! So any PERCEIVED failure or struggle along the way is exactly what was meant to happen, and your guiding light needs ONLY to be what is ALIGNED, what is inside of you, what you dream of, what you just KNOW it’s meant to be about.

Imagine how much easier it would be to take action, if you never again had to worry about things not WORKING, because you’d chosen to believe that any so-called failure along the way was what was MEANT to happen because you CANNOT FAIL AT BEING YOU!

I gotta tell you from personal experience … it is a HELLUVA lot easier to take action when you choose to think this way!

So what would it look like –


If you admitted what you really want, and what your heart, your soul, your every cell tells you you’re supposed to be doing?

The thing is –
It’s NOT just about the fact that you can’t fail at being you and that you CAN create everything you dream of if only you’d just press fucking play.

The thing is –
And THIS is what you should really be scared of!
If you don’t go all in at being you, and living your calling, doing what you KNOW you’re capable of and what you came here to do –
You’ll never get anywhere, really, to get excited about.

You’ll resign yourself to a life of struggle.
Of small wins.
And flutters of excitement.
Of never quite making it.
And not being happy even when it appears that you have.

Because just as you can’t fail at being you?

You cannot win at being anybody else.

Stop fucking acting from fear gorgeous.