

– 100 Places Only –

AKA: How to Discipline Your Ass for Epic Fucking Results

{Read this first in order to be eligible}

You think that there’s so much stuff you need to do each day so you can clear the slate, get organised, take a breath and finally have space for what MATTERS, but here is the truth which most people will NEVER really hear and as a result will DESTROY THEIR LIFE by not acting on:

If you don’t do first things first today you never will.
If you don’t prioritise your priorities you never will.
If you don’t live according to your values you never will.
If you don’t act on what MATTERS you NEVER will and you’ll not only live a life off purpose, perpetually out of alignment, SO damn far from flow you don’t even believe in it, for all intents and purposes a life of FRUSTRATION AND MISERY AND NEVER GETTING TO WHERE YOU WANT TO GO, but also?

You’ll never get the epic fucking results you’re capable of.

You think that living according to your values and following your heart or the flow is just something those SPIRITUAL slow-paced folks talk about, that it’s just about your INNER state?


I’m the most hardcore chick I know as far as fuck the fluff and do the WORK and I can tell you this with deadly certainty:

If you don’t follow the flow you won’t make the money.
If you don’t act on what MATTERS to you, what matters deep down, you’ll never get known.
If you don’t SHUT THE FUCK UP and listen to your values and then live in accordance with them your goals of being rich, famous, having it all are going to WITHER AND DIE.

Along with your belief.
Your self-worth.
And even your God damn trust in the idea that you were brought to this earth for a purpose, that your life has a REASON, that you can make a difference and that you MEAN something.

For a long time, for a decade or more, I was obsessed with values and meaning and flow and LISTENING in. I would journal and dream and ponder. I would do this and tell myself to hurry up, get back to work, not indulge so much in all this day-dreaming!

That there was money to be made, that I had to hustle, that I needed to get into ACTION.

For as long as I tried to separate my INNER work from my outer results, I never achieved those results I so craved. I knew I was born for more and to make and impact millions, so WHY WASN’T IT HAPPENING?!

Eventually I learned the truth, and later still I ACTED on the truth:

If you want to get rich you MUST put first things first.

If you want to be known it’s going to come from FOLLOWING YOUR FLOW.

If you want to know the answer, to anything, anything at all, on what the best decision to make is, or how best to spend your time, or what to write or speak or create so you’ll feel the UNLEASHMENT you need to feel and so that your tribe will BUY, let me tell you:

The answer is within.
The answer is ALWAYS within.

Stop WORRYING and WASTING YOUR LIFE with all that you could or should be doing. There are a million and one things to FOREVER command your attention in business, in life, on this earth. You’ll NEVER BE DONE AND YOU’LL NEVER CATCH UP.

Stop trying to.

But also stop SEEKING to get on top even for a day, and instead get on board with doing what fucking MATTERS.

If you knew it were all going to end, this year or this month or this week, what would be CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR important to you?

If you were completely LIMITLESS and there was nothing you HAD to do, what would you HAVE to do from within?

If your business, your life, your existence could be all about you stepping into your truth, your creativity, showing up and speaking creating impacting on what matters to you, what WOULD you actually spend your time on?

These are the questions to ask yourself, daily, if you want to discipline yourself into actually creating EPIC results.

You think that the money comes from the perfect sales process, or lead gen set-up or the fact that you finally built a fucking funnel?

ONLY if it is built on the right foundation.

We talk about discipline and about doing the work and it’s natural to think that this means BE MORE ORGANISED TO FIT MORE IN.


It means learn to be okay with the chaos.

It means be disciplined enough to IGNORE everything around you, shrieking for your attention, which is NOT the work that matters.


I am DISCIPLINED ENOUGH that my house is often in disarray …

That the clothes pile up on the floor and then get worn again from the same pile …

That dinners are thrown together in 5 minutes from whatever mix of leftovers and bits and pieces I find …

That I cancel at the last minute, on social occasions, on interviews, on my own ideas of what I should do, if something of a higher value needs my attention …

That I ignore emails and messages and texts … that I refuse to EVER answer the phone …

That I’ll walk out mid-way through a party, an event, a wedding even, if I need to write …

That I let my TASK LIST self-populate itself over and over again each day to epic and horrifying proportions as I IGNORE EVERYTHING ON IT, do NOT do my tasks, do NOT complete my projects, do NOT get back to people when I said I would or even at all.

That I sell things before I made them –

Deliver them with no membership site or fancy PDFs or anything beyond the actual content –

Let my team run behind me to play catch up, but also not worry if it’s never caught up because it’s not as though I am ever caught up so why would I expect them to be? Why would I expect anyone to be?

I am DISCIPLINED ENOUGH to let everything EXCEPT what matters fall to pieces around me.

Not many people can be DISCIPLINED enough to handle the MAYHEM and actually create the epic fucking results they dream of by doing ONLY what matters and fuck the rest.

Instead they’re walking around and FOOLISHLY choosing to believe –

That if they can JUST get on top of everything, make some space, clear the clutter and get READY then they can finally do what they really want to do. Write and speak and create and LIVE.

If this is you then let’s NOT beat around the bush about what you’re doing here:



Your life will NEVER BE ON PURPOSE.

The TRUTH and the GIFTS and the MESSAGE inside of you will NEVER be unleashed.

You’ll NEVER make the money you want to make.

You will NEVER get rich.

You’ll NEVER be known for what you were born for.

And you will NEVER have the impact you came here to make.

Stop being so RECKLESS with your life.

You wanna get rich, famous, have it all, live on PURPOSE and make a fucking impact?
