

I’m just gonna come right out and say it:

I’m a diva, a queen, a VIFuckingP and I want the best, only the best, the first class LUXURY experience and what’s more I want it laid on THICK.

I want my hair and makeup done every morning (NO, not by me; are you crazy?!)

I want to be Hollywood famous.

I want the HOTTEST show online.

I want to travel ONLY in first class luxury style.

Write ONLY with Mont Blanc pens.

Drink ONLY diamond-infused water (it’s a thing!).

Be DRAPED in luxury brands.

Drive PURELY hot European cars (the 250k type ones).

Live in a freaking mansion.

Never have to do my own errands.

Never have to even click on a LINK if someone else can just tell me.

Have what I want, when I want it, how I want it and NOW.

Too much?

Ah, so what; fuck off and go follow someone who is pretending their entire business raison d’etre is to run a fucking charity. In other words, go hang with the broke crew.

Here’s the thing, just really quick now, because if you don’t GET it you’re not part of THIS crew and never will be. I’m not really here to CONVERT people, y’know … just to speak to those with an ear to ear.

Anyway, the thing:

Those who GET it know that being rich is a RESPONSIBILITY.

Those who GET it know that by HAVING more, INDULGING more, unashamedly living a first class life you’re actually GIVING more abundance into the world.

Those who GET it know that there is MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE so why would we NOT just ask for what we actually want?

Those who GET it know that living fully into THEIR dreams – all of their dreams not just the MESSAGE UNLEASHING bit but also the live like a VIFuckingP bit – is not only inspiring to their true tribe but also RAISES THE VIBRATION of the world.

Those who GET it know that more money, wealth, success, ease really DOES make life easier and more fun as well, and they’re not afraid to say it because they know they could TOTALLY live without it and be CONTENT even HAPPY (whatever the fuck that means!) and so it’s not that they need it but it’s that –

– and this is REALLY the thing –

It’s available.
It’s SUPER fun.
It feels AMAZING.
And it even allows you to create more, flow more, do more!

This morning I was writing out my normal journaling goals and intentions, doing the whole create your reality thing that I talk about all the time and all of a sudden it hit me:

I wanna be a SUPER rich VIP.

I mean okay, I always knew I want to be super rich. And a VIP. But I HAVE done that thing in the past of trying to excuse my wealth creation as being ALL ABOUT THE DEEP SHIT; almost deliberately making a POINT of how I don’t spend much money on myself or over indulge.

I’m still a normal girl from the suburbs, really!
I’m all about the MESSAGE, only!
I wouldn’t DARE to take for myself or indulge!

Well – here’s an idea:

What if the MESSAGE is that you can have it all, on your terms?

What if the MESSAGE is that abundance is unlimited?

What if the MESSAGE is that by shining your light so damn bright you inspire others to do the same thing and you create a RIPPLE EFFECT OF REVOLUTION all throughout the world?!

And I realised:

By NOT asking for more, spending more, seeing money as an INFINITE source of which the more I pour out the more returns to me I am limiting my OWN success but I’m also perpetuating a mindset of lack!

And by God, once I realised that, I realised how damn SELFISH of me it’s been, how damn DISRESPECTFUL to you to not live a first class SUPER rich VIP life and drive around like a hot rich bitch sharing it on social media.

I promise you: I won’t do that to you again!

So I started writing, a new level of money and goal and wealth and MESSAGING intentions. Around first class, luxury, sponsorships, abundance so free and fast-flowing you couldn’t stem it if you tried.

And as I wrote, I realised:

I’m NOT that DIY gym chick from the suburbs walking around with a backpack all day! Or, more relevantly: I’m not ONLY that and I don’t have to IDENTIFY myself as that.

I can indulge.
I can spend money just because it’s fun and it feels good … and there’s always more.
I can fancy myself up and STILL HAVE A MESSAGE OF MEANING.

I can be a diva fucking princess QUEEN and still be intelligent, articulate, make a difference in the world, and BE A GOOD PERSON.

And there it is, isn’t it:

If you’re a rich bitch you must be stupid.
Or mean.
Or you just have your values out of whack.
There’s something WRONG with you.
You’re greedy.
You don’t understand what life is all about!
And you can’t possibly – possibly! – have a message of meaning.

The endless whirr of the many many years generations intonements of conditioning …

Well, today I want to re-write some freaking BELIEFS. Because I suspect something that you and I BOTH know is true, which is that you?

You’re a diva, a queen, a super VIFuckingP as well.

AREN’T you?

You want to be WINED AND DINED.
You want to be TAKEN CARE OF.
You want to be ESCORTED through the hotel by 3 men in black suits because you’re the premium VIP guest (happened to me last week in Vegas in the penthouse!!).
You want the BEST.
Only the best.
ALWAYS the best.

And you want it now.

But also?

You have a powerful fucking message to share, you are smart as ALL get out, your voice MATTERS and you have more heart and soul and power within you than most of the TV-addicted zombies have in a little finger once a year.

It’s time to stop APOLOGISING for wanting more.

It’s time to stop holding back on wanting the best.

It’s time to stop PRETENDING you’re okay as things are.

You know what you want.
You know how you want it.
You know you want it how you say, when you say, all the way, no excuses and NOW.

So the only reason you don’t have it, really?

You’ve not been asking.

Get over yourself baby.

You KNOW you were born to shine, to be a star, to turn the world on it’s head and then dance on top of it. So quit being such a fucking martyr and go get yours.

And if you think it’s BAD or that you shouldn’t, it’s too much and you should just settle?

Then think about this:

You were born to lead a fucking revolution.

Can’t do that when you’re walking around draped in poverty and apology.