Born To Be A Star

Born to Be a Star?

30 days.

To get you into alignment and MASSIVE fucking action as you press play on WHAT YOU KNOW IT’S MEANT TO BE ABOUT.


What’s this all about?

I was always gonna make it.
There’s NEVER been any question…
I was born to lead, rule, shine, be a STAR. Make millions, impact millions, change the fucking world.
I do what it takes. I BE who it takes.
If you answered YES then this is for you!
Join BORN TO BE A STAR to transform your life.
I’ll be walking you through what I believe it takes – the specific daily and also big picture processes – to become the STAR you know you were born to be, where you have a worldwide HUGE following, daily AUTOMATED income, KNOW you are living your purpose, and have the eyes of the world upon you as you unleash the magnetic power of YOU.
This is ONLY if you specifically resonate with the knowledge that you were born to be seen!
Warning!! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU though!
Unless …
You KNOW you were born to be a star –
You KNOW you have a powerful message to get out there –
You KNOW you’re meant to have the eyes of the world upon you not just as a leader, an inspiration, a revolutionary but also a motherfucking powerful PERFORMER – 
You’ve ALWAYS KNOWN you were born to be super rich, super hot, super FAMOUS, and have it all!
Born To Be A STAR is designed to get you UNVEILING your inner star, MAGNETICALLY captivating your audience to follow your every command, and finally stepping ALL the way up as the entertainer, leader, revolutionary, PERFORMER you were born to be and are REQUIRED to be, in order to build this empire!

I originally offered this program as a Live 1:1, and sold it for $6000, And it was AMAZING! It transformed every single persons life who signed up.

I wanted to share it with more people, at a FRACTION of the original price.

That’s where the home-study version of the program comes in.

For just $997 you can lead, rule, make and impact millions and BE A FUCKING STAR too!

Click on the big pink button below to get in on the home study program and start today!


We’re going to be looking at: 

  • Who are you, the star?
  • Why will they follow and buy
  • Persona creation and your ‘role’
  • Empire creation now
  • 24/7 monetisation
  • Success automation
  • Lifestyle design
  • Productisation
  • Stepping into the Queen or King of the castle role
  • VIFP non-negotiables
  • Money and success mindset!!
And a whole bunch more. 
Time to stop working so damn hard at the wrong life gorgeous when you KNOW you were born for more!

I originally offered this program as a Live 1:1, and sold it for $6000, And it was AMAZING! It transformed every single persons life who signed up.

I wanted to share it with more people, at a FRACTION of the original price.

That’s where the home-study version of the program comes in.

For just $997 you can lead, rule, make and impact millions and BE A FUCKING STAR too!

Click on the big pink button below to get in on the home study program and start today!


Do you just KNOW that your were meant for more?
Join us in Born To Be A Star for just $997, and you can lead, rule, make and impact millions!

Click on the big pink button below to get in on the home study program and start today!

If you KNOW you were BORN to be on stage and have the eyes of the WORLD UPON YOU, this is for you!


Life is now. Press Play.
Kat xx